Anyone repotted autoflower into biobizz allmix?

im doing my first closet grow and wondered if i started in biobizz light mix for 2 weeks then repotted into final pot of all mix? Would that work well or not? Any advice would be awesome thankyou
Not what i asked but repoting once is fine if done carefully so plants dont get stressed, i know a gew who do this with no problems.
My aim is to add as little nutes as possible so i was thinking this may be the way as will only need flower nutes for last few weeks
Yes it would work. I would rather do that than put in all mix straight away, since its pretty heavy on nutes. However i would rather mix the all mix and light mix(or replace this with coco) along with some clay pebbles or perlite for aeration and not repot.

As matty mentioned repotting autos is fine, but autos dont leave as much room for mistakes than photos, since if you fuck up a bit with a photo, you can just veg it a bit more for it to recover, but autos just flower when they are ready for it. Thats why you need to be careful not to keep it in too small pot at the beginning for too long if you plan to repot. If you really know what you are doing, you might even be able to do some air pruning and have better results from repotting than no repotting. But if that is not your aim, then its easiest and most stress free to just plant it straight away in final pot. If you repot too late, then it wont have time to grow proper roots, because root development slows down a lot in flowering. It still grows roots in beginning of flowering but if you give it like 2 weeks from that, then it doesent help so much to repot anymore, other than not having to water as often.

If you do repot, use myco's and some other stuff to help with the transition.

Root size and plant size are directly correlated(ofc there are also other factors) and if you stunt the root development, you stunt the whole plant.
I've done it in FFOF soil. Let them dry out, then water to soak the entire medium. It will make it much easier for all the roots to come out intact.

Soak the medium of the new/bigger pot as well. If done properly, you should be able to transplant it right into the new pot without losing any dirt or roots. Then don't water the new pot for 1-2 weeks. Stress free transplant for an auto.
You can transplant ( carefully ) ... actually you can also transplant into a large container of FFOF and that soil will feed that auto til harvest ( most ffof will extend up to 5 weeks ) on water alone .

Autos just need about 90 days ( average ) of life.
So a simple top dress of fresh soil watered in technically will suffice .
That's a myth. I've repotted hundreds of autos. Here's the key. Transplant when the canopy is the width of the pot. That times it to when the roots have reached the bottom of the pot but have not circled much yet. Water lightly 10 minutes before before you transplant to hold the rootball together. I'd say my success is around 99.5%. I've even documented transplants showing noticeable growth within 12 hours from transplant.

You can top and use any training techique on them also. Their still just a weed lol!

You should never repot autoflowers