anyone on here wanna mentor me on building these QB


Well-Known Member
I pretty much have grown with nothing but mh/hps I've grown since ''87'' so alotta shit I do is still old school I don't need anyone to show me how to grow I need someone to teach me the QB shit the new ins and outs on these lights ..I will do my research on them send me some links... I'll find my own stuff to research but need a few guys I can PM with questions.. I can watch a 1000 videos but I need a few guys that know there shit about these lights I can ask ...sure I can ask the group but 15 different answers wont help plus im probably gonna ask alotta questions and don't wanna jam up a thread with a bunch of questions if anyone is up for the challenge PM me and if you just wanna drop some good links that's cool too ...THANKS GUYS
Bulla, why dont you just mention what you want to build for, dimensions and flower/full cycle etc.

Over pm only you will learn and only one will teach, in an open thread someone else can read over it. Anyone on this thread already is knowledgeable and part of the sanity caucus
I agree 100% with you I had plans on asking questions in the group but I would still like 2-3 people I can constantly ask questions to for clarification in my inbox. I will have a ton of questions and I just think if I can throw them at a few people it would be better than trying to process what 40 people in a group if I get a ton of group answers I can go to my guys and be like what u think about this answer......i think on a personal note it would be better a few good mentors are better than a hand full of people and let's be honest not everyone knows what there talking about even though they think they do .....example I have been breeding Pit bulls for 30 plus years I have game hog dogs a confirmation breeder really isn't doing me any good even if they know about breeding Pit bulls ..they may have some answers but someone u constantly talk to about a subject knows what u want ,how much u know so they aren't just spitting facts u know nothing about cause they will tale the time to explain everything ....hope this makes sense
I really want someone that has made there own custom set up not a bought kit . someone that can u need this many cobs and this many diolds and this is the power supply and these are the serial numbers to order I want a custom board from scratch eventually built by me not one everyone else has ....i have a 10 x 15 foot room that's just one grow area all I here about is 2x2 or 3x3 some 4x4s
I think what I wanna do is a pcb board not really sure what it's called I'm still researching
There are loads of people who do know what theyre talking about. Personally i dont get time to do one on one, please take this under consideration.

For a big room like that strips or fotop boards are good.

Budget? Fullcycle/flower?
Vented/sealed ac+ co2?

How cold does it get in the winter? Cause the leds need some extra heat generally
150 square ft is going to take alot of dollars, and alot of watts. You should maybe start small, and build a single light for a 5x5.
If you like it, build 5 more.
That's what I thought build one for a 5x5 and see how I like it if I do I'll copy it
There are loads of people who do know what theyre talking about. Personally i dont get time to do one on one, please take this under consideration.

For a big room like that strips or fotop boards are good.

Budget? Fullcycle/flower?
Vented/sealed ac+ co2?

How cold does it get in the winter? Cause the leds need some extra heat generally
I totally understand alotta people don't have time to do one on one but outta this many members I figured I have a good chance at finding one ..winter gets cold it's ny last night was -9 but I keep my room between 75-79 I would like full cycle and my room is vented
Oh budget I really don't know what my budget is I don't even know what a decent light would cost to build
Oh budget I really don't know what my budget is I don't even know what a decent light would cost to build
Somewhere between 50c to $1 per watt, depending on exactly how efficient a build you are after.
Could be done cheaper, or more expensive that that. Older tech, actively cooled and ran hard would be cheapest, newest tech passively cooled and run gentle being more expensive
Efficient would be nice as for lights I have 1=1000hps 1 600 hps 1 600 mh 1 400 mh 1 451 watt led /cob. 1 215. Watt cob set up so anything has to be more efficient than that ....i mean I'll be honest I leave my outside light on 24/7. My tv is on all night I have a 18 year old that leaves every light on in the house so efficient would be nice but it's not at my top of list I would rather have newer tech
Somewhere between 50c to $1 per watt, depending on exactly how efficient a build you are after.
Could be done cheaper, or more expensive that that. Older tech, actively cooled and ran hard would be cheapest, newest tech passively cooled and run gentle being more expensive
After talking to wife she agreed one on one maybe hard to get and that a QB kit modified would be better to start with ..she brought up the point hands on for doing one from scratch buying everything piece by piece would be very detailed and alotta work putting together...she reminded me even though I'm self employed and can make time for a one on one do I want all that work after rebuilding mobilehomes all day lol like she said that's a job straight to another job at night so I'm gonna just do a kit for now .thanks for bringing up that point
After talking to wife she agreed one on one maybe hard to get and that a QB kit modified would be better to start with ..she brought up the point hands on for doing one from scratch buying everything piece by piece would be very detailed and alotta work putting together...she reminded me even though I'm self employed and can make time for a one on one do I want all that work after rebuilding mobilehomes all day lol like she said that's a job straight to another job at night so I'm gonna just do a kit for now .thanks for bringing up that point
qb's are the cheapest option for good efficient lights. Money can be saved by assembling them yourself and puts the pricepoint closer to a diy build.
Good luck
After talking to wife she agreed one on one maybe hard to get and that a QB kit modified would be better to start with ..she brought up the point hands on for doing one from scratch buying everything piece by piece would be very detailed and alotta work putting together...she reminded me even though I'm self employed and can make time for a one on one do I want all that work after rebuilding mobilehomes all day lol like she said that's a job straight to another job at night so I'm gonna just do a kit for now .thanks for bringing up that point
If youre able to setup a 10x15 room you can build a diy qb, no probs. Its as easy to stick a peeled wire into a connector. Nothing more.

Pre first build it seems like such a big and complicated thing to do. After the first one you realize how easy it was. It happens to litterally everyone on here.

Single boards, (V1 with heatsink is 49$ only!) Is a good bet, they are easy to spread out the way you like. Once you have them in a way you like you can frame them for ease of raising/lowering.
I spent around $1400 on his setup I use over a 6x10 area.
The prices I paid for meijiu board from alibaba at the time were slightly less than HLGv1 boards cost right now. (around $24 per board IIRC)
You want at least 30w per square foot. I would not attempt to light the whole 10x15 unless you can afford to put a minimum of 4500w over it.
At 140w each for the V1 boards, youd need at least 32 of them at $30 a piece. Plus heatsinks drivers frames ect.Another example would be the HLG kits. You need 17 260w kits at $350 each. A 260w china kit is just a little over $100 now.
