Modding a wii is like putting aftermarket parts on a pinto
Seriously though, what can a modded wii do (besides play burnt games etc)? My sister has a wii, but I haven't played it much. I used it a few times for netflix, but the netflix software sucked way too bad for me to bother.
If you already have a pinto, and it's free to mod, and gives you useful capabilities i would totally mod a pinto.
Well, here is my hope:
I mod the wii and hook up a 1TB external hard drive via usb. Then I will have the capability to play "burned" games, but I would rather just drop $100 on a hard drive and have all of them stored on it. Huge collection of games on torrent sites (already got about 10 downloading). It will not only be easier than dealing with real discs, but it will have a faster load time.
The second thing I want to be able to do is download tv shows and put them on the external hard drive, and watch them through the wii. My dvr broke so I need to catch up on some shows. I wanna download season 6 of its always sunny in philadelphia not have to fuck with converting, or burning to dvd, or watching it on my compute. I want to bake out and watch it on my tv in the basement with my friends. It's gay watching on a laptop.
The more I read on it all the places charging money for the software is a scam. The software is all available for free, and there are tutorials online.
This seems like a decent article on it:
The guy also has a DIY guide he wrote (link is on that page) that i'm going to follow this weekend when I have time. Seems easy though. I hope it works like I am expecting. I will update you guys on the progress.