Anyone know what this nutrient deficiency is?


I'm pretty sure it's an immoble nutrient because it's only on the top of the plant, but none of the leaves in nutrient deficiency charts match up to it. The closest I've seen is maganese or iron but these veins are turning yellow too, where with those it appears the veins still stay green

I've been using Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect Micro/Grow/Bloom so I haven't been testing the PH but I been using strictly rainwater. I'd really rather not buy a PH meter unless I absolutely have to as I already spent way too much on this hobby lol, I'm just trying to make sure these plants don't completely die at this point. It's only affecting this one plant and I feed them the same nutrients and from the same water source so it's a little confusing.

Any help would be greatly appreciated; this is my second grow and my first one did not have any problems like this


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Buy some ph drops if you have half decent eyes. like 10 buck, always right, no calibrating. and a small bottle will last ya a whole grow in my experience. Ph is almost always the cause of my odd/sudden deficiencies and distorting leaves.
Did you spray them with anything recently?
Yeah I been spraying them with neem oil recently, 5Ml neem with 5-10ml soap in 1L water but this is the only plant I'm seeing this on

I was always told those ph drops/strips were useless lol but I don't definitely mind spending $10 at all if you think they work
Neem will "pool" I guess how to explain and cause spots that's what it looks like

Okay dope, I'm glad its not a nutrient deficiency then. I think i forced them into flower by accident anyways by putting them in a shed so I think im just gonna spray them with insecticidal soap from now on