Anyone Know what probem this is Pics!


I THINK this is a Ph problem nut lock , I've tried fixing it with adding more potassium, didn't help. im going to try cal mag if the ph isnt off .Or it could be the soil I'm using witch is miracle grow. Ive only ever used city tap water an I don't start seeing this problem until early to mid flowering. But I'm starting to see small yellowish brown fading on my vegging plants. I don't feed them anything bc last few times it hurt my plants. I'm just wondering if anyone knows for sure what's wrong here . I put baking soda in some muddy water from my plants soil an its didn't exploed like vinger an baking soda but it did hisss like a soda. So I added 2 1/2 table spoons to. 5 gallons of water to raise my water's ph. Just did this yesterday so that's not the problem here im just Letting ya ll. Now.


Po boy

Well-Known Member
if it went from a healthy plant to looking like that in one day then it's mechanical damage. your spray solution must have been bad. i'd flush generously and give the leaves a good shower. GL