Anyone know if this could be marijuana?


Active Member
I don't know if this would go here so feel free to move or remove it if it's not. But I recently found some wild plants that I'm 99% sure are some strain of cannabis. Anyone have any thoughts? Also this isn't all I found, it's lining about a half to a mile of a river by my house.

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Dont believe me? Alls you had to do is stroke the stalk of it and apply some gentle pressure then smell your fingers.
Plus dude...I've been growing for a long doesnt even look like cannabis
Anyways I'm done here sooooo....
Dont believe me? Alls you had to do is stroke the stalk of it and apply some gentle pressure then smell your fingers.
Plus dude...I've been growing for a long doesnt even look like cannabis
Anyways I'm done here sooooo....
Yeah, you're just know it all. Your argument to authority means nothing. c u next tuesday
Typical asshole stumbles across a bed of plants by a river and Hope's they can get a free high, then when he trys to get verification on the plant identity, does not like the answer so starts becoming rude and insulting. Why not stop being lazy and look up the plant identity yourself.
Typical asshole stumbles across a bed of plants by a river and Hope's they can get a free high, then when he trys to get verification on the plant identity, does not like the answer so starts becoming rude and insulting. Why not stop being lazy and look up the plant identity yourself.
Yeah I did look it up and there's nothing that even looks remotely close to that plant. Saying no isn't helpful get off your high horse and open your mouth when you actually know something of substance.
Side note. If you have to go online to ask someone if the plant in question is in fact cannabis, then you're a clueless fool. It's a very obvious type of plant, with very a obvious smell, and a very obvious look.