Anyone here ever duct AC into their tent from a central HVAC unit?


Well-Known Member
My grow op is in the HVAC room and it's near a register. I could use a duct to tap it to my tent. Good idea, bad idea?
find a return register and use that. i don't think duct taping flexduct to a register would work since moisture can loosen the tape's adhesive and potential leaks. use hvac tape if you decide to do that or you can order a duct reducer for under $30 and have your flexduct connect to that. just take off the register and install the reducer then connect your flexduct.
find a return register and use that. i don't think duct taping flexduct to a register would work since moisture can loosen the tape's adhesive and potential leaks. use hvac tape if you decide to do that or you can order a duct reducer for under $30 and have your flexduct connect to that. just take off the register and install the reducer then connect your flexduct.
It's a supply vent. I have a T vent I could add and would probably buy solid venting. Been using professional sealing tape
When I did that, the AC pulled the stink thru the entire house somehow. I had to disconnect it - fast. I ended up using an exhaust fan venting outside pulling neg pressure inside. No stink in the house whatsoever - peace restored. Pretty sure the AC pushed the smell out thru the intake by positive pressure. I just live with high temps in summer.
I had problems with getting the heat up in my tent so I did this. If you want to avoid the smell getting pulled back through the vent and into the house, what I did was attach the flex vent to a fan inside the tent. That way it pulls from the vent but doesn’t create a backdraft in any way. Then exhaust fan and filter pull smell from the tent. I mean I had a fan going anyway for air movement may as well give it another job
Why not put an intake fan into the tent from the room ? Exhaust the tent to a window? What lights ?What are the temps? What size exhaust fan? Is it scrubbed?