Anyone heard of this?

I've heard in the past year or so of an odd plan to try to "force" a national decriminalization of cannabis.

From what I've heard, they plan on planting as many small plants anywhere they can, in large numbers, spread out of wide distances.
The idea behind it is that the cost of their workers going out, finding them and destroying them will outweigh the "benefits" of keeping it illegal.
I'm assuming they mean that if they do this, then trying to put every single person who has been seen with weed, or has weed growing in their yard (or near it, I've heard people get blamed for plants growing near their house, not quite on their property) would clutter the courts so much that in order to keep things moving properly, a bill would be passed.

I'm not sure exactly how this would work. But seeing as its outdoors based, and you guys are the people to talk to for that:
Would it be possible to have such a large scale number of plants growing in a large enough area that it would be considered more beneficial to decriminalize/legalize it, or do you think that it isn't feasible?

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
people just aren't dedicated enough, period. Id be totally down to go plant a bunch of bagseeds somewhere, well everywhere, but in order for somethin like this to work at all, we would need power in numbers...every smoker or grower would have to do it, and I dont think they all would.


Active Member
yea unfortuanatly unleess theres one crazy ass guy who wants alot of friends gos around every state and every town polanting thwm..

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
yeah it would have to be a collective effort of stoners to pull males whenever they see them walkin down the street lol...ehh lots of pollen would be floating around...still it would be nice.


Active Member
HAHA everyone needs to throw seeds on the side of the freeways where they have plants growing and they have water systems. When they get bigger they will have breaking news Marijuana Plants found on the side of the freeway.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
HAHA everyone needs to throw seeds on the side of the freeways where they have plants growing and they have water systems. When they get bigger they will have breaking news Marijuana Plants found on the side of the freeway.
now thats a plan! but still I see the city workers in orange always cleaning up those freeway patches...they'd prolly just rip it all up:(