Anyone have or know about light leaks symptoms?


So I recently moved into a grow tent, and fear that for the last 3 weeks I may have had a light leak from an open vent port that I forgot was open on top of the tent. It's in a room with blinds on the window, but still the room gets some daylight. I noticed the plants flowering slowing dramatically and the appearance of more leaves ie vegetative growth. I may just be paranoid, but then again I don't really k ow the signs and symptoms of a light leak. What are they and how much light are we talkin about? I got inside the tent with a light meter and with the vent open, it's measuring less than one lux but still you could see a faint light coming in. Thanks all


Active Member
It sounds like you are seeing the effects of light leaks.

It will slow flowering, it will cause confused growth, and it could cause hermies. Correct the situation and your plants will have a chance to sort out of the problems.

I'm not sure what the official amount of problem lighting is, but when I check for darkness I will sit in my flowering chamber for 20 minutes and make sure I can't see my hand. I want it to be cave dark.


Well-Known Member
It really depends on spectrum and intensity, and some areas might revert to veg, while others might keep flowering. There are enough variables involved (including genetics), that you can't really answer for sure. That's why everything tells you to stay 100% dark, and take every precaution to ensure that this dark period is preserved. As long as it doesn't cause hermies, fix it asap and you can recover. Will just take some time, might not get as large, and might be slightly less potent, but I suspect you can still pull out without too much of a problem.

Look into some blackout curtain material at your local fabric store. You could make a few baffle like structures to shield your vents and help prevent issues in the future, but still allow the air to move.