Anyone got any tips for incresing air temps in a small tent?


Well-Known Member
Quite a strange question I guess, but since moving to LED, I'm having issues maintaining a high enough air temp due to my local ambient climate.

The total opposite of battling high temps when I was running HPS!!!

Heating the room the tent is in would be uneconomical so I'm thinking of what I can do to heat the interior of the tent, I was thinking maybe a small HPS lamp to suppliment the LED?

Extra complication is It's deep water culture so I really need to keep my water cool enough at the same time, although I do have a helia water chiller:

But for efficiency reasons I don't want my water chiller to be battling against any additional heat sources aswell!

Anyone know how to change the laws of thermo-dynamics? ;)
Ambient temps about 18c, likely to rise to about 22c over summer.
If we have a hot summer then the problem might solve itself, but theres no guarentee.
Temps inside the tent about 22c, so I only really need to boost the tent about 3-5c
I pull the air from the tent into a second carbon filter and fan and loop it back to tent intake. To increase my temp the two fans in second system add to temp but I also have a 40w ceramic heater that will up the intake temp 5 degrees. Not using the ceramic heater with seedlings had birds in brooder and that was providing extra heat.
Ink bird temp controller hooked up to a ceramic heater or oil radiator would be my solution. I picked one up for future use, but the weather here is too consistent, either freezing or blazing, for me to do anything but crank the radiator or blast AC.
Ambient temps about 18c, likely to rise to about 22c over summer.
If we have a hot summer then the problem might solve itself, but theres no guarentee.
Temps inside the tent about 22c, so I only really need to boost the tent about 3-5c
Do you have a speed controller on your fan? Just slow that down a little maybe
Thanks all, a lot of food for thought...

I dont have space in the tent for a traditional electric powered oil radiator

Yes I have a good EC fan on my carbon filter so I can dial it as slow or as fast as I like really... It's fantastic for sucking air out, but to maintain decent air exchange it tends to such the heat out also!
check out the Ac infinity thermo something on their website they just released it last month its awesome

This thing?

Looks awesome but its a hundred quid to buy, plus electricity to run it, (no idea how power efficient it is) plus I'd have to modify my tent for another hole.... looks pretty sick though... hmmm.... looks like it's rated at 500w+..thats some heavy fuel but im guessing thats at full power.

As chief Brody said... I'm gonna need a bigger tent!

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