Anyone familiar with "Salvation Botanicals"? (Phoenix Tears producer)


Active Member
Hey fellahs,

Is this a legit outfit? Google tells me nothing on SALVATION BOTANICALS. Have you heard anything good or bad about this product or of SB?



redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Never heard of them...probably some dude in his garage...what are you expecting to hear about a company illegally producing RSO?


Well-Known Member
In the time it would take to get this delivered to you..... you could make some...assuming you have some starting materials
solvent and a rice cooker...
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Active Member
I think I'll just go to the States. Never thought I'd see the day where the good ole usofa was freer with weed and extracts than Canada. LOL


Well-Known Member
to use the words phoenix tears wouldn't they have to be the company the Rick Simpson is associated with???
Since if memory serves me ...that was the product name he was endorsing,,,


Well-Known Member
well like others mentioned....its real easy to do yourself....and def...more cost effective...
and even with still only need a couple of days max....
Though you are too bad you would need to go state get this oil....
oh and there are def. more refined oil making available...that will make a completely clean product...
meaning zero should be looking for oils that are honey colored,,,,and have been ripped with CO2
instead of something harsher solvent wise.
@redi jedi
I think I had read..Rick had and was licensing it thru a company stateside, or some story along those lines.


Well-Known Member
some of us old dudes don't think about googling things first.....we try and rely....on our burned out hippocampus....
We should know better....but....apparently...mmj...does this to us...


Well-Known Member
Something like this:

View attachment 3406062

Of which there are hundreds of terrific dispensaries in the States with fantastic disclosure and quality control measures clearly displayed. Was hoping to see something like that for Canada, anyways...
it's illegal in Cannada .
Dispensaries have it to buy left right and center. Wax. butter...shatter oil...RSO...BHO.... take your pick.
LP's are not allowed to produce it but that will soon change and the ones storing their trimmings can finally do something with it. :lol: Not that they don't already add it to their bags of shwag . No way of telling it's all shwag anyway. :spew:
It's just way to much money when you can produce your own for 300% less.
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Well-Known Member
RE: Rick Simpson and Phoenix Tears.
Straight from the good dude himself:

Dear Chad

In reality I have never been involved with The Phoenix Tears Foundation, I used to communicate with Janet Sweeney the woman in the US who actually started the foundation and I used to provide advice sometimes, but almost a year ago I realized our goals were not the same, so since that time I have had nothing further to do with her or what she is involved in.


Highest Regards
Rick Simpson
To me just like RSO, and the name Phoenix Tears is just describing decarbed oil used medically. There are many terms but those two give props to Rick Simpson.


Well-Known Member
I think I'll just go to the States. Never thought I'd see the day where the good ole usofa was freer with weed and extracts than Canada. LOL
Yea we used to blow the Americans out of the water. They made so much progress in the last couple years with the weed industry. We got stalled. Give them 5 years and they will be light years ahead of us.


Well-Known Member
Why buy snake oil from these fools when you can make your own!!!!????

. Safely. and FAR BETTER!!!!!!!!

sorry dude man............. CAN"T STAND snake oil charmers!


no offense. ;)