Anyone else growing "blackberry" ???


Well-Known Member
no but she is a beautiful plant.. someone posted a jorge cervantes vid and it showed a huge purple plant.. amazing color


What was the plant called-do you know?
In the description of the strain I have have indicates purple buds.....not the actual plant.


Well-Known Member
not a clue... It was under the 10 pound marijuana plant on youtube... it's a 10 min vid with a bunch of plants


Well-Known Member
i was going to grow blackberry but i heard a few bad reviews so i didnt i would relly like to see how yours look harvest time though :)


Active Member
I grew it last year, but not again. I found the stalks to be very weak and ended up losing bud because of branches breaking. I supercropped but still had problems with weak branches. Had a storm about 3 weeks from harvest and lost about a 1/4 of the crop to
branches breaking off. I used up just about all my bamboo poles trying to support the weak branches.
The smoke was just ok, nothing to jump up and down about.


Wow, I hope mine don't break apart like yours did. Yikes.

So far, so good. I've had some wicked winds and they're hanging in pretty good. Have some staked so that probably helps. ;-)

Here's my pic for the day-blackberry bud.
