anybody use A+B nutes


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anybody uses the A+B in soil and if they got any advice for using it in soil. how often do I watter my ladies with that type of fertz hanks guys

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
I use A + B, they are the best. I use half strength on every feed. I also know people using full strength, once a week. I find half strength is better, less worry of defeciencies or nute burn. During flowering, the same half strength with molasses, approx two tblspn for 5 gallons. Flush the last week or two with just molasses. PH balance for soil at 6.2


Well-Known Member
I use A + B, they are the best. I use half strength on every feed. I also know people using full strength, once a week. I find half strength is better, less worry of defeciencies or nute burn. During flowering, the same half strength with molasses, approx two tblspn for 5 gallons. Flush the last week or two with just molasses. PH balance for soil at 6.2
so ya say half strength eh every feeding? will I need to flush them once and a while because I water alot my 400 hps sucks the water right outta the soil.Ipritty much water every day sometimes every other day. and I.m not shure if i mentioned I was in dirt. thanks for the tips Kush have a good one bud

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
no thats good .. you want the soil to completely dry before watering, so the roots grow which in turn is more growth up top and more buds ... measure by weight of container ... when light , scratch about an inch into the soil to search for moisture .. if none .. watering is essential ... you may also water when still damp, but less growth will ensue ..
If leaves droop .. water !!
so what would you suggest for my PPM for the first week using A + B, Have you ever heard of the lucas blend, Some say it's the best, ever tried anything from humbolt county,bush masters, snow storm, or gravity?
I would have to say true organics make the best tatsing buds in the world....:weed:

Man I love bud
I use A + B, they are the best. I use half strength on every feed. I also know people using full strength, once a week. I find half strength is better, less worry of defeciencies or nute burn. During flowering, the same half strength with molasses, approx two tblspn for 5 gallons. Flush the last week or two with just molasses. PH balance for soil at 6.2


Well-Known Member
I don't have the abbility to check PPM yet or the ph of the soil just the ph of the far as the nutes solution(A+B) the only stuff I know is made from my local grow shop .they make all there own fertz!!


Well-Known Member
i have been using house & garden (van de zwaan) aarde a & b (their fancy name for soil a & B) for some time now on my mother plants.
i was taught to feed soil plants w/nutes twice then plain water every third... cannabis is such a wonderful plant though you can probably feed it every time and it will be fine.

if you cannot check PPM then starting at 50% strength and working your way up is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
no thats good .. you want the soil to completely dry before watering, so the roots grow which in turn is more growth up top and more buds ... measure by weight of container ... when light , scratch about an inch into the soil to search for moisture .. if none .. watering is essential ... you may also water when still damp, but less growth will ensue ..
If leaves droop .. water !!
Letting the plant dry out is bad for the roots. When the medium/dirt dries out the dirt mass will shrink, causing it to pull away from the sides of the container. When that happens air gets down in the pots, in between the dirt and the pot where most of the roots tend to be, causing the roots to turn green and die back. Also probably pushing back your harvest date.

What Kush is telling you I've read on the internet also, and did. I got it from a greater authority, the 'Marijuana Horticulture - The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible' (great book BTW) that this is a terrible thing to do, accompanied by pics of green and dead roots that were caused by letting the soil go dry.

At the minimum, it should never get to the point that your plants leaves start to droop from being so dry.


Well-Known Member
Always start at a much lower strength and then work your way up to full strength. You may not even get to full strength though, as you have to watch the plant for signs of over fertilization. Some signs being...

1. Leaves turning dark green...
2. Leaf burn/tips of leaves yellowing...

Um, those are the first tell-tale signs. Some say you should flush every 3-4 weeks to get rid of excess salts


Well-Known Member
wow you guys are awesome I really apreaciate all the help thanks for the help i'll keep yas posted
when using these nutes you HAVE TO ADJUST THE PH. when you mix the nutes your ph will drop to about 4.0 and you have to use some sort of Ph upper to fix it....