anybody else have lyme disease?


New Member
i got it this 22 years old. 2 weeks after being bitten by a deer tick and contracting a lethal strain of lyme.

I had myocarditis in june which led to stage 1 and stage 2 heart block, and heart failure. I survived the lowest heart rate of a human being in medical history....and ended up back in the ER in july with a paralyzed right foot...lyme had severed a peripheral nerve.

my foot has been rehabilitated and i've regained mobility.

I was on doxycline hyclate for a 2 months at 400mg's/day (herb helped w/nausea tremeeendously)...and then recieved a picc-line for an additional month, in which I took another antibiotic-rocephin.

Now i'm seeing a naturopathic doctor who gives me megadoses of vitamin C IV therapy, twice a week (35 GRAMS of vit C each time...takes over an hour).

I've met many people who've been crippled by lyme disease...the lyme has literally degenerated nervous tissue in their bodies and led to multiple sclerosis, parkinsons disease, etc.

anybody else with a lyme story?

If you don' know much about lyme disease, here's a trailer you can check out all about lyme, titled "under our skin":


Well-Known Member
MY parents thought i had it when i was younger cause they found a tick on me that was huge but i didnt thankfully, now im scared when i go out into my back paster i always check for ticks. Thank god you surivied man


I had an uncle who was bit by a tick in Oregon and then diagnosed with Lymes Disease...

None of the treatment was working and he eventually lost his voice, mobility, and his bodily functions completely (over a very fast 2 years). The last year of his life he communicated by moving his eyeballs left and right. He's dead now.

The doctors then came out and said he may have had, by some freak coincidence, Lou Gherigs disease...