Anybody able to tell what type of weed at all? Sativa/Indica?

Anybody out there able to tell what type of marijuana this is? Indica or sativa? Maybe even what type of strain? Lost a lot of leaves from this first grow, wondering how bad it looks? What does everyone think out there? Thanks for the help! Pics beloooooow.


All of this is off of High Power CFL too, 250 watts with 4 fluorescent lights around her. 3 small fans one is exhaust.


Well-Known Member
It looks like a sativa of some sort. Usually the skinnier the leaves are ,is a hint to it being a sativa
And man how high are you're temps plants look a little stressed.


New Member
looks to me like a indica dominent plant i would flush them girls with plain old ph'd water 6.5 check your run off ph and if its high hammer the water till she is even 6.5 in your returns then next day add some nutes looks like your burning them up and for what i can see your not useing that much power for lighting being stretched and all lower your lights

PS: plant looks like GReat white shark
looks to me like a indica dominent plant i would flush them girls with plain old ph'd water 6.5 check your run off ph and if its high hammer the water till she is even 6.5 in your returns then next day add some nutes looks like your burning them up and for what i can see your not useing that much power for lighting being stretched and all lower your lights

PS: plant looks like GReat white shark
Thanks guys, I've been thinking about a flush and am actually about to do it. I've just never known how until recently. Temp is probably around 80 in there, not too too bad... but with my MG moisture control soil, I think I may have been possibly overwatering? Drying out this soil like for 7 days now and still is GOOD and moist two inches deep... not too dry at all so I think this soil holds crazy long. Going to continue drying out for another day or two, and then try out a flush like you say mr fever. As for lighting, the plant always stays within 2-3 inches from main cfl. She has lost like 40 fan leaves in the last 3 weeks though... so I can tell why you'd say it looks so stretched :< Don't know why its happening, theory is over watering for my first time around... Thanks for the advice!