any1 smoke with their parents?


Active Member
so i always thought my dad would be pissed if he knew i smoked, even tho he smoked he always told me not to. 1 day he caught me n a friend smoking out back. anyways he was was cool with it. i was happy cuz i could smoke i my room, my livin room , anywhere in the house. when i first started smoking with him it was cool, the first time we ever just sat n talked like for real was when we were smokin a blunt. at first it was all good, but now every time i come home he asks if i got anything for the head, now the shits just annoying. i cant complain tho, hes letting me grow in my closet n doesnt even care.

any1 else smoke with thier parents?


Well-Known Member
Yup I smoke with my dad all the time. We have gotten a lot closer since the first time we smoked

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Yeah I recently smoked with my parents. Its pretty cool now because I'm free to do it in my room whenever I want as long as I keep it pretty stealthy from my little siblings. Which is easy because they don't even know what marijuana is or smoking (besides cigarettes). But its pretty cool. I have a weird work schedule, so I don't really get to catch my dad when he gets home and wants to bake before relaxing on the couch. He has his own stash, which i don't even question how he gets. I figure I'll leave that to him.


Well-Known Member
My pops is waaaaaaaaaaaay too old school. He doesn't even drink... EVER.

I wish he would try it though. He has cramps and muscle spasms so often I KNOW that some white widow would be GREAT for him.


Well-Known Member
I've only drank with my Dad, i'm only 17. He doesn't smoke pot, only my step mom, but occsionally I smoke with her. But, I smoke with my 3 Aunts and my 2 uncles all the time. ( I have a big family )


Well-Known Member
Been smoking with both my parents for almost ten years now, Dad was an oldschool dealer and grower, taught me a lot about growing plants in general, not just pot, the greenthumb runs in the family.


Well-Known Member
Man, I WISH i could get my mom to smoke with me!

I have made it very clear for her that the offer is on the table. haha


Well-Known Member
hahahaha lol i think i got the bigest pot head family ever i smoke with my mom and dad my sis even!!!!!!!! my grandma lol ya she blazed up started coughing.Bad so i didi not blaze with her ne mroe but ya the rest of the fam smokes i know they do.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've smoked with my parents.

I think the coolest was smoking with my grandfather though. I actually marked that day down as a day to remember.


Well-Known Member
fuck smoking with parents, wikid is right, smoking with your grandma or grandpa(or both) is where its at..


Well-Known Member
my parents have been reformed by the reagan administration. My grandmother grew Mj, and my parents were heavy partiers. Not just mj but shrooms, mescaline as well. My mom even told me a story of when she left a full just harvested plant in my dad's trunk. The 80's hit, and they forgot all about it. They're full blown commies. They day I smoke with my parents is the day we share the same pit in hell.


Well-Known Member
I smoke with my parents, I had a friend whos grandma smoked occasionally...I see old ladies at the clinic all the time


Well-Known Member
I never smoked with my parents in High School. But the day before I left for colleg they asked me(and my little brother) directly if I smoked and my feelings about it. I told them I smoke and I think it can be healthy in moderation. Then my mom pulled out a bong and said she bought us some bud and we smoked. I've been smoking atleast once a month with my parents for about 3 or 4 years, and I'm closer to them than I have ever been!


Active Member
Holy shit! These stories are funny as hell, especially the last one. Man, I wish I had relatives that were close to me like that. My only experience close to this was blazing with my buddies dad. We were smoking a tinny near the bathroom fan, and his pops came down and I was like "Oh shit!", he rolled up and was like, "Yo, let me hit that..." And we both were like, "Oh shit!"


Well-Known Member
My parents always smoked but hid it well, I still got in trouble a few times for smoking, they caught me selling dime bags when I was 14 and grounded me for 2 months, that sucked. Then around 18, I was smoking a J in the front yard(2 a.m.)and my dad walked out and stood next to me, i passed it, he hit it, and hewent back to bed, didnt say a word, now we smoke together almost daily.

It was the exact opposite for my mom, I busted her on the back patio, she was grinning like a mo foe, it was hillarious, my mom was lit! She just kept smiling and passed it to me, turns out, my mom had some good shit!


Well-Known Member
I smoked with my friends dad all the time way before I ever smoked with my own parents, he slanged and we would hang out at his house all day and he would get us all ripped and buy us alcohol and shit like that....pretty irresponsible guy lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've smoked with my parents.

I think the coolest was smoking with my grandfather though. I actually marked that day down as a day to remember.
Thats what I really want to do. My grandpa lives in the coolest place and justs sits outside and enjoy the ocean. Smoking with him would be so cool.

I dont know how to bring it up with my dad though. Its obvious he smokes, a lot. He smokes very often and I know he know I know what it is, but I dont think he thinks I smoke. Maybe a little later on in life I'll show up a bit stinky and maybe he'll say something.:joint::blsmoke: