any way to slow vertical growth?


Active Member
my plants/sprouts are getting real tall/skinny and don't even have leaves yet... i know this is a lighting issue. they are reaching for light that isn't there, and that i can't acquire. so i either have to slow their vertical growth, allow them to just keep getting lanky and tall, or transplant them outside as little tiny plants.

the whether isn't hot enough yet and they would very likely die if i transplanted them all outside. i can't get more light this grow; it isn't possible.

are they gonna be okay if i continue to let them get real lanky? is there a way for me to slow their vertical growth w/o more light?

help me out. please and thanks.


Well-Known Member
You can move the plants closer to their light source or vice versa. If the plants are only sprouts then the amount of light they can even utilize is negligible. What type of light do you have? because in all seriousness like 2 20 watt cfl's should be fine for a few sprouts. I'll veg like 10-15 plants under one 250 watt metal halide.

Perhaps you're using incandescent or halogen?


Well-Known Member
I use a 250 watt envirolight with lamp for veg and one for flower and never keep it more than 2 inches away.


Well-Known Member
You could try some Humboldt County's Own - Bush Master, it's meant to stop all vertical growth and concentrate on making the buds grow sideways/fatter. The down side to it is it supposedly makes less crystals, but some Fox Farm Cha Chingg is supposed to help pump them back up.

It's got some very strict instructions on it's use though.. I've only tried it once and I don't think I used enough.


Active Member
hmm alright, i guess i'll just keep them as close to the light as possible and then bury the stem when i transplant.. that really has no adverse effect? if not it's genius!

let me know if it could harm them. otherwise, thanks a bunch!

oh, and i'm sprouting like 6 under a 20watt florescent. i guess that's plenty. they just look so damn skinny...


Active Member
no fan.. i can do that if itll help and it wont hurt the radishes.. lol

i'll check the growFAQ for tieing tutorials.. that sounds promising.

LeRoy JaBluntski

Well-Known Member
yea bro put an oscillating fan on them.... I did it and it worked wonders for me. My main stems thickened out real nice.

Good Luck