Any use for this?

So my grow got busted and I'm about 2 weeks into flower. Have lots of white hairs and can see where all my bud sites would have formed. Plant unfortunately has to go but wondering if there is any use for the plant or if its just trash.


Well-Known Member
You live somewhere that after you've been busted for growing weed they let YOU dispose of the plants? Just keep them!


Well-Known Member
he more than likely got busted by mommy or daddy and they told him to get rid of the plants....if it were law enforcement they would have gladly removed the plants and him and taken them away...

next time get permision before you start a grow in someone elses house. throw them in the trash and watch them wilt and wallow in your own foolishness....

and if im wrong on the mommy and daddy thing i apologize for assuming.


Well-Known Member
he more than likely got busted by mommy or daddy and they told him to get rid of the plants....if it were law enforcement they would have gladly removed the plants and him and taken them away...

next time get permision before you start a grow in someone elses house. throw them in the trash and watch them wilt and wallow in your own foolishness....

and if im wrong on the mommy and daddy thing i apologize for assuming.
Ah. Yeah.

I completely forgot children post on here! LOL


Well-Known Member
put them outside
yeah sure, continue to go behind your parents back and just grow them outside on thier property...great way to establish trust with the people who will always be there for you no matter what.....or maybe not....

heres some great advice, throw em out and wait untill you can grow on your own land/property. your not only risking legal issues for yourself but your parents as well. dont be that ignorant kid who gets his mom and dad busted for cultivation.

some states it jail time for 1 plant.....then who is going to pay the bills and put a roof over your foolish head....

again if im wrong on my assumption i apologize. if im not wrong i mean every word.
haha no one of my roomates went into my room and found it. said if I didnt get rid of it then he was calling the cops so dont have much of a choice i guess...can't afford rent by myself.