any tips on drying and curing, i m struggling.


Active Member
if you dont hang your buds upside down for a week does the chloraphyl stay in the buds?????
i hung mine but only for 5 days when they got crispy on the outside, then stuck them in a paper bag. there still there.
(can i ask if its normal that since cutting the plant down, the crystals look as if their going? is this normal? under lights the things were standing out like dogs balls, now their drying they look diminished).
the buds also smell like grass cuttings? is that norm? i had a crafty toke yesterday and it tasted like shit. not that stoned either.
anyway back to my point, will the chloraphyl go even though i m not hanging my buds?
i was worried that if i left them hanging to long they d go too crispy.


Elite Rolling Society
In my humble opinion, and from many hours of research, that "HANgING BUDS UPSIDE DOWN" is an old wives tale and is bullshit.

if you dried buds, instead of limbs and branches from the plant, you did good. Depending on small buds or Big colas, you dry them about 6 to 9 days, depending on size. Always dry them in the dark, with no light.
AFTER they are dry, you put them in jars with airtight lids.
If you do not have jars, use an air tight container, keep them out of the light, and let them Cure for 3 to 4 weeks. I CURE for 30 days.
During the CURE stage, they will not DRY MORE, and they will shrink some, and they will change in smell, and they will taste better and smell better, and they will increase in potency.
During the CURE stage, you need to AIR them daily. Open the container and let them just AIR for a few seconds, and check them for smell, to make sure they are not molding. Check them every day for 30 days, then you store them in the air tight container.


Well-Known Member
Put the bud in air tight mason jars, fit as much in without actually packing it down.
open the jars for 30 minutes to an hour a few times a day.
Do this for about 2 weeks, or until the buds are cured to your liking.
Ive also herd of puttin orange peels in the jars for added flavor (or any other fruit peelings) but i have never actually tried this soooo i cant be certain if it works or not.


Active Member
thanks. i saw on you tube that when hanging, a sign that the chloraphyl has gone is when the leaves go grey. as mine arent hanging i was nt sure