Any thoughts on plant's current condition?


Active Member
7 weeks into veg; I've only used nutes on it once and at less than 1/8th strength so am doubtful of nute burn. Mag or calcium deficiency? Thanx for any/all assist!



New Member
"Hey how about some food, I'm fucking starvin' here!" What soil is she in and what type of nutes you got and how often are you watering?


Well-Known Member
short answer... Not good at all...

longer answer she is first of all overwatered... secondly it needs nitrogen... and thirdly it needs potassium...

like bkbbudz feed that thing and only feed it gradually and follow what the instructions on whatever bottle or bag of fert you get...

as in today 1/4 nute solution per gallon of water so if it says 2 teaspoons per gallon give it half a teaspoon in a gallon of water then water till dripping well out bottom of container...

4-5 days later by now your container should be significantly lighter and should be very lightly moist at the bottom half of plant container... now use PLAIN WATER adn pour in enough to make it drip well out of the bottom... make sure to pH it to 6.5 or close as you can get... i think aquafina is somewhere around 6.5 or used to be... either way just make sure to test whatever water you use...

again 4-5 days later 1/2 nute solution 1 teaspoon of nute solution per gallon of water....

rinse repeat on that schedule etc...

timing on watering depends on how dry your soil gets so if really dry after 7-8 days either way follow pattern

so how to water and feed 101 the quick version as you can look up more watering/feeding schedules on here there are many that can suit your needs as i have just given you a very very "watered" down version cause im starving right now like your plant and must go and eat ;)


Well-Known Member
It sounds to me like you may be severely underwatering, I had to water mine every 4th day in veg and now every 3rd day in flower and it may even soon be every 2nd day after they get even bigger.

Also I don't see much in the way of perlite in your soil, and those brown spots do look like mag deficiency from what I've read.

It's definitely not that bad and doesn't seem like it won't come back (meaning it will come back :-D).

You may want to give it straight tap water for a few days (for mag content) that or RO+CalMag or some kind of mag supplement (I've heard epsom salts work well); other than the food in the soil, don't give it any nutes, let it heal itself first, the soil should have plenty for it. Less is always more.

EDIT: Now that I'm looking again, your top leaves (newest growth) seems to be okay, maybe just continue w/ whatever it is you are doing and it should be okay for all new growth; what is already damaged will not 'heal' in the sense it will change the way it looks, just focus on having new growth be nice green and lush.

Also I wouldn't move them any more than is necessary, plants are used to being rooted in the ground after all and not used to being transported from one spot to another; let it get used to it's environment and don't disturb it any more than can be avoided. Especially when you don't know what could be in the air waiting to latch on.


Active Member
Thanx for the quick responses. For info, I'm using Promix BX (contains little/no nutes); I'm watering every 5 - 7 days; and when using nutes (correction to above, I've made two applications), I'm using Jack's Classic at a very dilute mixture. I'm a little gun shy on nutes because on first nute application I induced nute burn. I'll proceed with above recommendations - thanx again!


The Short and The Beauty :P niceee plant ... sing a song for her from me :) ... Compost Tea makes u to Believe for uNbelieving :P