Any recommendations for a dry herb vaporizer

I'd get one specifically for that. I use a pulsar apx dry herb vaporizer for on the go with the herbsScreenshot_20210411-180214.png
I own over 200 vapes. LOL OCD issues.

Not too many vapes do herb and concentrate very well. Usually, they want you to use a pad or cotton. Yech. You might consider 2 vapes. One for herb and one for concentrate.

What are you looking for? Portability. Banger or e-rig style? Desktop?

Coils OK? Personally, I hate coils but the Terp Pen, for under $20 is an awesome concentrate device. I just bought a Kandypens Oura and I really like it, too. Basically, you have a choice.... coils, ceramic cups/donuts and quartz cups. Quartz cups clean up nicely. Coils and ceramic don't (IME).

So, depending on what you want, I might be able to point you right. Plus, the 420 sales are everywhere so now is a good time.

I just recently sold over 50 vapes at FC or I would sell you one of mine. Getting ready to move and I had to thin the herd.

As for dry herb vapes... for the money, nothing beats the Healthy Rips Edge for performance.
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I own over 200 vapes. LOL OCD issues.

Not too many vapes do herb and concentrate very well. Usually, they want you to use a pad or cotton. Yech. You might consider 2 vapes. One for herb and one for concentrate.

What are you looking for? Portability. Banger or e-rig style? Desktop?

Coils OK? Personally, I hate coils but the Terp Pen, for under $20 is an awesome concentrate device. I just bought a Kandypens Oura and I really like it, too. Basically, you have a choice.... coils, ceramic cups/donuts and quartz cups. Quartz cups clean up nicely. Coils and ceramic don't (IME).

So, depending on what you want, I might be able to point you right. Plus, the 420 sales are everywhere so now is a good time.

I just recently sold over 50 vapes at FC or I would sell you one of mine. Getting ready to move and I had to thin the herd.

As for dry herb vapes... for the money, nothing beats the Healthy Rips Edge for performance.
I’m really looking to get the most out of my concentrate, something I can carry with me everywhere & vape all day. I am new to concentrate’s, so the only way I have of smoking this right now is this
Arizer Air 11 is good, just doesn't hold a lot.
Yocan vaporizer for concentrates.
As stated, most do shitty as a double duty...get one for each, you will be happier.
Soak coils overnight in 99% iso overnight, rinse in hot tap water, let dry.
Clean coil.
I have the entire Arizer line and they are only OK, IMO. I do use the ArGo for out and around because it has swapable batteries and I fill a dozen tubes before I go out.

OK, OK, I forgot all about the PAX3. Yeah, definitely. I have 2. One in sand and one in burgundy. Totally awesome for dry herb AND the little concentrate cup works REALLY well for me. It might be perfect for you. You can put a couple dabs in it and it will last you most of the day. Then, at the end of the day, pop it ito some ISO and start fresh and clean in the morning. Not quite as clean as a glass banger but really really sweet. Plus, you can drop out the concentrate pod and fill it with herb in between concentrate sessions.

Yeah... for dry herb AND concentrate.. definitely the PAX3. Get the complete kit. The basic kit does not have the concentrate pod in it. The complete kit is $249 retail and available just about anywhere for $199 right now. I grabbed mine for 99 bux from Puffitup just before they closed. Sweet deal. I bought the second one for only $145 after discounts. You have to dig for coupons. LOL

Yeah, definitely the PAX3 for herb and concentrate. Sorry, I forgot about that one.
Are you guys buying these locally? No one can ship them anymore since the ban.

A ton of shops are still shipping. Not sure if they think it is OK or if they just don't care. LOL I can put up a list if anyone really wants one. I visit 15 or 20 vape sites every day just to see what's on sale. Like I said... OCD issues. LOL
Soak coils overnight in 99% iso overnight, rinse in hot tap water, let dry.
Clean coil.

I never have luck with this. The coils always taste like shit after cleaning. Not like ISO but just a really shitty taste. I know a lot of people who do this and it works fine for them. Maybe it's just my taste buds. I use a coil for a few weeks and then toss them in a jar. I have a huge jar of all kinds of coils. LOL
Has anyone tried one of these out. Would you recommend it❓
It works really well. I smoke mostly extracts in it these days on this mesh disc they provide. It also has lil caps you can fill wit weed and take with you. Its really dope man. Is a bit pricey but


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As qwizoking suggest I as well suggest the Mighty, it's easily the best portable vaporizer I've ever used. Never used it for concentrates though.

Even better than the Mighty is the Volcano: great portability, great build, great hits.

I think it is better to choose a portable vaporizer with convective heating and a replaceable battery.
Please share your opinion if anyone has used XVAPE Fog?
Lately I've been using the xmax v3 pro. I replaced my Fury Edge with it and it's amazing for the price (paid about 60€). I don't really use concentrates, but mixing crumbled hash in with the flower was nice. At home I usually use my titanium Dynavap.

If you want to use concentrates you'd be better off getting a desktop vape.

As qwizoking suggest I as well suggest the Mighty, it's easily the best portable vaporizer I've ever used. Never used it for concentrates though.

Even better than the Mighty is the Volcano: great portability, great build, great hits.

Mighty only goes to 410/210, far from optimal if you want to use concentrates.