Any one took dramamine?


i took some dramamine the motion sickness medicine and I WAS DELIERIOUS and i walking down my traffic main street Talking to myself! and when i try to lay down I feel like critters like spiders were on me!! Dont ever take dramamine!! its so UNCOMFORTABLE!!!!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
haha dimenhydrinate and diphenhydramine suck dude. lol. It's cool once or twice, but after that it blows.


bud bootlegger
i took about four of them before going out on the cape may ripz fishing for stripers... caught a 30 pounder, but still ended up puking my guts up.. i don't go on boats anymore, lol..


Well-Known Member
I carry them in my tackle box,,, mostly drunk kids coming on the boat use'em but they don't really work once you're at that point