Any one know the answer to this...?


Hi everyone.. Does anyone know the answer to this question,

Can cannabis plants be gynandromorphic hermaphrodites...??


Active Member
A gynandromorph is an organism that contains both male and female characteristics.
a hermaphrodite is a plant or animal that has reproductive organs normally associated with both male and female sexes.

So the answer is yes. and no.


What i understand is that a gynandromorphic hermaphrodite is....
Any organism that has for example, on the left side a full set of male chromosones and on the right side a full set of female chromosones...I was just wondering if weed can be like this.

I have seen the chicken that is half half...It looks weird..


Active Member
Cannabis can be gynandromorph but cool people are working to feminize as many strains as posible so they are mainly female.

A Cannabis plant can develop male or female organs depending on situation, stress etc.

So it's born Gyna (unless science has it's way)
and it can become hermie (because of us...)