any inquiries by sdge in soca with card grows


Well-Known Member
Any body dread those meter read days when you see the truck outside? The meter reader? Lol, I am following all the rules but i still feel like I gotta unplug my lights and fans when i see that truck.

Kinda wonder what the deal is. If they will ignore me and the spinning meter and my quoet neighbors or come ask. This is a weed unfreindly town. Severely unfreindly, but i am well within y legal limits.

I wonder if clones will get me in trouble. Like 12 immature and 12 clones to sex.

How the hell do I work this? How do you fellow medical gorwers in the south west handle 12 immature 6 mature when it comes to sexing? I cant be expected to just guess. Do clones count as immature?

A few months ago i got a letter from sdge and I got nervous and opened it and they were apologising for reading my gasw wrong. I was worried because they came back to days in a row. I was like :it must be me, it must be me!" lol, it was after all, for my gas. hehe.

This time i have gone to 24/0 lighting and more electricity elsewhere. Cant wait for bill/:joint: