Any hydro box experts out there?



Does anyone out there have any experience with the variety of grow boxes on the market? I have read some of the posts, and I understand the great majority of you out there think most of the units are way over priced. I just don't have the talent for building a grow box and would rather pay for one ready made. I have not been able to find much information on the Internet other than the manufacturers claims. I am interested in finding out from someone who actually uses the box.

I am looking at the Cool Cab.( I know...I know, two thousand bucks buys a lot of bud) It claims to yield 12-18 lbs of bud (dried plant matter (?) per year. Does anyone know the metrics. What is the growing cycle? and What is the realistic yield?

I'm not so interested in knowing that it's overpriced, but does it work?

I appreciate any and all comments.
