Any hunters on here?


Well-Known Member
Was just curious of how many hunter/fisher people are here.. I personally live for the Fall months I love hunting and just being outdoors with my dogs! I generally spend 40+ days duck hunting and a couple weeks bow hunting (white tail deer) once duck season is done ill switch to chasing pheasants and grouse..I get the biggest kicks watching and working my dogs,

and yes! I do enjoy eating what I harvest!!



Well-Known Member
I like the fishing I live in the Hat Creek Calif. area and we gots trout!
I used to hunt till they took my guns.


Well-Known Member
I miss trout fishing..used to live in Wi near some good brookie and brown pretty fish!
p sorry about the gun thing dirtsurfr..


Well-Known Member
I like the fishing I live in the Hat Creek Calif. area and we gots trout!
I used to hunt till they took my guns.

So very sorry they took your guns. Their are lots of hunting threads and lots of people who enjoy the sport. They will be around.



Well-Known Member
I'm checking out Black Powder I might be able to still use them not sure tho.

Ever shoot a bow? Good fun!

I have non hunting friends that shoot as well if not better than me!
A nice afternoon,cold beers,tasty buds bows and some targets= fun!!

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Dam straight we hunt....:-) Dont call me Bear for nothing! I spent 30 days fishing in Alaska!!! that was a treat! I'm strictly a meat hunter....horns dont cook up real well..know what I mean..LOL


Well-Known Member
I'll fill you in on my hunting experience, it involved me being about 9 years old in Aurora CO Naval housing..

A neighbor had bambi hanging on a tree on the side of the units.. My brother and I stumbled across it just as we were playing.. it freaked us out.. we ran away crying and the hunter came down to apologize to our family saying he just hung it there to bleed it? or something like that.. anyways I remember the guy looking at me and being 100% honest about why he was killing a deer. Had respect for the guy, he offered us some meat and damn.. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh damn Bambi was tasty...

I have never hunted.. fished pretty much all over the US but never hunted..

If it comes down to it I can kill and eat what I needed to, but the store is so much closer..

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Any of you all heard of a guy by the Name Forest Fenn ? Look him up....his story will take you on a different kind of hunt...and its no bullshit story...check it out......You just might catch the FEVER!!! lol Guy is still alive and kicking...lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico ......runs a gallery of some sort down there.....very interesting feller.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
When you are raised in the are taught....take care of the land and the land will take care of you. Hate to say it but half or better of Americans would not have a clue as to how to get it done if shit hit the fan........ugh....thats gross.....isn't that how the young un's say it these days!!! what a crock of shit!!!! Sorry just a grumpy old school fart ..I guess. Ha Ha


Well-Known Member
Im a fucking panda bear.

