Any help ?

Pharaonic THC

Active Member
This two plants was a 2 seeds found in very very good bud they was have very high thc the strain was came from Israel but i didnt found a name for the strain
Can they be females?

Now 18 days from out from the soil and the other one is 23 days
Now temp 24c to 28c
Hum 50 to 60
Soil mix with perlight 70:30
I stared feed them 20:20:20 npk i times 3 days ago
Any help or anything i can do now ? And when is the perfect time to switch to 12:12



Well-Known Member
Better lights and set up, can switch to 12/12 but one needs more veg the other might be enough to start flowering which will take another two weeks probably.

If the soils good you shouldn't need feeds yet as seems enough for now. Looks like you got buckets of soil from outside not good potting soil.

Probably some poly indica sativa hybrid, might be worth taking a clone if you plan to keep it for more grows.


Active Member
They will show sex at the flowering's beginning. Looks like a indica one, but fatty leafs at the start could be because of light/environment, so whatever I tell you about the strain is just "mental handjob" xD
