any help on which strain this is?

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Well-Known Member
At first glance it reminded me of Cat-Nip (lol). At second glance it reminds of Hemp. But on my third glance, I would say a mexican/brazillian breed of some sort (rag/bag weed). Most likely Indica looking at the size of the leaves. But what is real puzzling is how wild looking it is (leaves and lot of branches). Looks like a lot of trimming took place as well as the plant being to far from the light (stretching). I could be wrong so don't hold me to anything I just said!


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say its some sort of marijuana. nearly
impossible to identify with pics..


Active Member
hi knowm na it wasn't i grew it from seed. and i dont worry bout the ph i just been growing it in a diy backyard hydro set up which didnt cost me a dollar