Any Hash making suggestions?


Active Member
Just harvested my second outdoor grow. Very good yield from five plants I got two average sized trash bags of left over leaves, clippings, and some small buds. I know it will be very good for making hash cause its covered in crystals but I have never done it so can any one suggest some websites on making it or easy ways you've done your self. Thanks for the help.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
There are many ways to make hash without actually buying the bubble bags, but if you can afford them and will be using them more than this one time it's a good long term investment.

Also if you know other people locally that also grow you can share the bags and get paid back in hash from others all the time.

But if you don't want to buy them, just search for "hash" on youtube and you'll find many ways to make it without bubble bags.


Well-Known Member
search for fdd2blk called hot heel buble hash this dude is the shit his is someone you should really praze


Well-Known Member
Just harvested my second outdoor grow. Very good yield from five plants I got two average sized trash bags of left over leaves, clippings, and some small buds. I know it will be very good for making hash cause its covered in crystals but I have never done it so can any one suggest some websites on making it or easy ways you've done your self. Thanks for the help.bongsmilie
You might want to buy some bubble bags for yourself ?????? Then rent them out to your buddys or make there hash for them and change the a block of hash or a good sums on money and let them pay for there selves that what I did !!!!!!!!! Make sure you get one with a washing machine you will know what iI am talking about afret you check them out Good luck keep us posted:leaf:


Well-Known Member
get a large bucket.

take your leftovers and place in bucket fill with cold water then add a lotta ice chunks. blend this mixture up for a good 10-20 mins. afterwars remove as much greenery as you can. a fine mesh sieve will work fine.

leave bucket and now cleaned sieved water for around 4hrs. at no point touch or stir your bucket IT must be left alone undisturbed.

after 4hrs syphon of as much water as you can. as the level of water gets lower you will see a green/brownish gunk in the bottom. this is your hash.

once you syphoned of as much water as you can transfer into a smaller container and then leave this for a good 2+ hours.

idea is too syphon of as much water as you can and leave all the trics at the bottom. keep transfering liquid and trics into smaller and smaller containers.

soon you will find you have the gloopy mess in the bottom. trics mixed with a small amount of water. take a bowl and some clingfilm. pour in your trics/water soup and leave too eveaporate. use a light shining on your soup and a fan blowing over the surface. this will aid in evaporating the rest of the water away fron the trics you have collected.

once dried you can roll it into your hand and there you go your own gravity made hash.

bubble bags are flitration systems that save every single tric. you may get a little loss with the method above, but it beats £80 for a bubble bag set



Well-Known Member
Bubble bags are bags of different sized mesh that filter out AAA AA and A grade hash, meaning fucking incredible, damn good, and 'its hash'.It just separates purity for you so you don't have a big lump of hash and plant crap. They work really well and are a decent investment if you plan on growing more and making hash out of your trimmings. Could always look up ice water hash extraction and things of that sort if you don't feel up for it which makes some decent hash but if your a connoisseur you may as well just fork out for the right equipment and get to work.


Well-Known Member
I have made a lot of water hash, I use the ice-o-lator bag and its not the screen size that determines quality but the input product. With just 2 bags you can make the best hash in the world if you use really good bud (with big white chrystals) as your source. If you use leaves you will only get a little black hash. White pot=gold hash!