Michael Sparks
Active Member
I am writing this not knowing any of you that will be reading it and it makes me wonder why.. if we are all like minded and enjoy the same things (it varies from person to person i am certain) in life that we find ourselves sitting drawn into technology in such a way that it distracts us from what is occurring around us all, the world we are all on is moving so very fast and we do not question such things... the meaning of life seem to find ones self puzzled but why do we have to have a meaning, is there more to ourselves then who we are now, today.. this very moment! I am thinking that why we don't know one another the way we know ourselves but that doesn't have to be the way it is with this tech we can reach out and spread any message we so desire so i am doing that such thing here and now this very moment instead of watching tv or paying any attention or another message i am sending my very own, my individual perception of things is the way i can only imagine sorry if this is confusing some of you thus far but i am certain with maybe some fungi or herb you can think in such a way so this is me reaching out you, the unknown
crazy thoughts of a mad man
crazy thoughts of a mad man