Any electricians? Electrical smell when I plugged something into a possible dusty surge protector


Well-Known Member
Unplugged my directv box and plugged it into a different surge protector outlet that had a bunch of dust on it or in it. It smelled really bad for the next day and I thought the smell went away. My buddy came over today and smelled it instead of smelling the weed smell my house has. Should I get a new surge protector??


Well-Known Member
Does it feel hot temperature wise? If it was putting off a smell from the wires you could feel a hot spot. I replaced one last year because two of the outlets stopped working. The other four were fine but I didn't trust it anymore.
Yeah gonna spend $12 on a new surge protector. I think what happened was the dust go into the unused outlets in the surge protector and then I plugged it into that one.... Can that happen where dust gets in the surge protector and then causes issues?


Well-Known Member
I used to have problems with dog fur piling up on ours for the TV and Direct TV plugs when we had a wolf hybrid. It never seemed to affect it but I'm not great with electric so I was always checking the damn thing to be sure it was working and cool. They are wear items in my opinion and should be replaced every so often. I get the biggest gauge wire I can find and get it rated for way more watts than I use just to be extra careful.