I did end up adding this to my bloom regimen. I use it at weeks 3 and 5 12.5-15ml dosage. At week 3 I hit it with 12.5ml of Budswel yellow and then week 4 is an inoculation with half strength nutes. Then hit it again at week 5. I use BioCanna as my base nutrient and supplement with some other organic liquid nutes. But week 3 and 5 I hit it with Budswel.
The only problem I had was that when I did budswel/inoc/budswel from week 3-5, I ended up having some funky nitrogen and potassium deficiencies. I ended up changing it to Week 3: budswel, week 4: 5ml BioCanna Flores, 2ml Humboldt Honey, Mycorhizzae inoculation, Week 5: 15ml Roots Organic HPK. Which is 0-5-4, so I keep the high phos, but add more potassium in at the finish. The low dosage of Flores gives it a little nitrogen, which it does still need a little to finish. Week 6 is 10-12.5ml Flores, 10-15ml BioBoost (Flores for a touch of nitrogen, Boost for some sugars and a... well boost.) Week 6.5-7: 2tsp Humboldt Honey, Myco inoc (too chew up remaining nutrients.) Week 8: Flush with filtered water. I basically do a 2 week flush, but everything is coming out real pure.