Any Advice would help


Well-Known Member
They have been growing them for about a month and half in flowering with 12/12 very minimal fertilizer used besides the stuff that was in the potting soil. temp is about 77 day and 65 night ph is about 6.7. One is DNA genetics White widow and one is DNA genetics sharkbite
Im not sure why all the leaves are starting to yellow now. What can I do to help the the plants healther and to help fill them out better. This is my first grow so help is nice. Thanks



Active Member
Looks like a nutrient burn to me, did you just hit it them with some nutes? What type of soil are you in and what size pots? Appears your just a couple weeks from harvest, about how much time do you have left?


Active Member
ya its pretty normal man not a big deal! bump up nutes a tad and as far as helping them fill out get a better light at this point...the other things you can do Low stress training and topping are my favorite but need to be done in veg! good luck man


Active Member
idk about nute burn man its not really curling at all i personally just think nutes aren't balanced perfect for this plant


Well-Known Member
they about about 3-4 weeks from done I think but not sure. The soil is organic mixed with some MG type soil pot size is 10" diamiter. And some of the top leaves do kinda curve a bit. The nutes i used where 24-8-16 mixed with the water and used only 3/4 strength at most. And for light what should I used I have 6 42watt cfls right now


Active Member
well it sounds stealth and i currently use cfls the trick is to keep them 2-3 inches from the plants and if you can put them along the side it works great too. The more lumens the better or go bigger scale and get an HPS. But honestly man looks pretty good since they are curling again you can always just flush and use strait water tell harvest but u are set


Well-Known Member
one more quick question everyone says flush with water how do you go about doing this just pour water tell it comes out the drain holes?


Well-Known Member
K So I should flush it maybe in a week or so and then just striaght water, I added another 42watt cfl and a bunch of red leds so i hope that helps and on temp what is an ok max temp for flowering, someone said it should be warmer like 85?


Well-Known Member
here are photos of the grow box, and how can i give them less stress and are they doomed? now im panincing lol.IMAG0264.jpgIMAG0265.jpg


Well-Known Member
This is a long shot you ever get the bottom leaves wet when watering. It almost looks like some of the bottom leaves got wet and then burned by the lights.


Well-Known Member
They did get wet once in a while not to much and Do i have to much light? and what do you mean by light burn.


Active Member
First off... stop panicking, your in soil and problems happen slow and are fixed slow. It looks like your getting on the closer side of a harvest so no need to stress. You can use straight up water from this point out and still end up with some good smoke (strain depending). CFL's are not going to produce the most dense bud anyway, so no need to push it on the flowering ferts. From your pictures it looks to me like the nitrogen that was in your starting soil started to deplete (yellowing on the bottom leaves), and you hit it a bit much on the chemical fertilizer. Not a big deal though, they are far enough along and are definitely healthy enough to produce fine buds till finish. If you want to keep a fertilizing program going, flush like all the other guys said and hit them with a well rounded fert (I would go with a 10-10-10, or something organic), at half strength (closer to full if your going organic) next watering. As far as your too much light question goes, no, you are not using too much light. Keep CFL's (especially lower wattage, like 26w) a few inches off the buds. For me, four inches is ideal for that wattage. CFL's produce far less heat than their big bros HID's, but heat can still be a problem. 85 degrees is not ideal for flowering. Low to mid 70's would be perfect but not necessary. I would not run constantly over 85 though, it will definitely effect the plants health and their yields.
I know there are a lot of different opinions on this site, take them all with a grain of salt, including mine. Learning first hand, from your own trial and error, is by far the easiest way to learn what works for you.
A couple beers and a bowl and I'm rambling on like chick! Sorry for the long post, hope some of this helps. - Bilbo


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, I will just use straight RO water from now on and what is the best way to know when the plant is done and ready to be dried?