any advice, tips, or info on my first grow?

i just started my first grow on march 10th from a bagseed, the seed germinated in three days and sprouted up out of the dirt in another three days. everything has been going well, i did run into some health issues with the plant (i left for four days, came back and the plant had started to turn yellow) but everything seems to be fine now. the plant is starting its second set of true leaves now.
i don't have cash to put into my grow right now, so my set up is pretty lame. i'm using a desk lamp and a table lamp both with 14w cfls, and an airpurifier set up in a closet. i was using random dirt until the 'health scare' but i transplanted my plant into a flower pot with better soil. right now i'm working on making some fruit tea, ash tea, and bone meal for organic ferts ( got them from the organic growing forum). i guess my question is, what should i get first? i know theres a list of things that i should have ( ferts, stronger bulbs, pH kit,ect). i want to upgrade what i can, when i get the chance.

:weed: anything tips or advice is great appreciated! i have nothing other than what i listed, where should i start first?


Well-Known Member
sounds like the best thing you could invest a little money in at this point is more light, specially as it get older and bigger it will need more and once in flowering cannabis need 3x the amount of light as in the vegetive stages, so a few more bulbs for flowering (2700K) would be a good investment ..
130407-013926.jpg these are the lamps that i'm currently using..i plan on putting the plant outside during the day to get natural light, then bring it in at night and put it under the lights. i just started alittle early in the season, so the weather hasn't gotten...'Nice' yet..