


I don't know if ants harm the plants or not but since i have made a yeast/sugar/water co2 bottle the ants of come rolling in, will raid ant killer harm my plants?


Well-Known Member
Your grow area should be clean. I clean mine every week with a weak bleach solution.

Read the bottle of ant killer. That should answer your question.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if ants harm the plants or not but since i have made a yeast/sugar/water co2 bottle the ants of come rolling in, will raid ant killer harm my plants?
I am a licenced pest control operator. Do not use RAID on or around your plants. It will leave no residual material behind. you need a residual with fipronil perferably. gel baits are good. Ants are protein and carb feeders that change their eating habits seasonally. they are generally not herbavours.
If you are seeing trails of ants you are only seeing 5% of the colony. they will keep coming if you use contact kill pesticides. You want them to take the chemical back to the nest and pass it around.


anything over the counter you can reccomend? and will the ants harm my plants?