Ant Attack?


Active Member
I mainly grow and finish my plants outside, but do maintain an area in a
shed with LED lighting to start seedlings and get them a little size before
taking outside. I had noticed a few ants, but never gave then much of a
thought until recently I planted a few newly germinated seeds into soil only
to come back in a couple days to no trace of my seedlings. Did see ants in
the pot where I planted them. Going to kill them off before I start again, but
was wondering if anyone else has had this experience? Has not affected larger
plants in same area? Florida. Thanks
bait as in beer? Or slug bait as in killer?
I could leave a little beer in the bottom of a few cans around, but I also
have the real deal poison that I can sprinkle around, but not on or in my plants.
But I am and work with a lot of commercial ornamental growers, so I have
professional level chems available. But no desire to spray on my girls or inhale
into my lungs. Try to grow organic, especially on pesticides, not so picky as far
as soil applied nutrients, or general house and area cleaning. Thanks
Lol jets of cold water if it aint in flower you dont need chemicals unless its worse of course id sooner try that then up the ante personally that and crush any aphids i do see i avoid sprays etc i get it if its cos russet mites never had em heard those are a pain to deal with however and yeah ants are pains for farming aphids then again in nature wasps help keep em in check ive seen it in action they eat aphids lol
I could leave a little beer in the bottom of a few cans around, but I also
have the real deal poison that I can sprinkle around, but not on or in my plants.
But I am and work with a lot of commercial ornamental growers, so I have
professional level chems available. But no desire to spray on my girls or inhale
into my lungs. Try to grow organic, especially on pesticides, not so picky as far
as soil applied nutrients, or general house and area cleaning. Thanks
beer works, but you have to put it in a dish, so they can crawl into just dump them in the trash the next morning, then re-bait your dish the next night. after two or three nights, you should have the general area cleared out, if it is slugs. they were eating the leaves off of my watermelons and pumpkins last year, beer caught a load of them the first night, about half as many the next night, and so on. by the fourth night i only got a couple.
If slugs are an issue, the Garden Safe slug bait has always worked really effectively for me. I use it all over our yard and it's saved lots of plants from ruination.

Here in the PNW slugs are a serious problem especially in the spring. I'm on them with slug bait early and then every week or so for awhile. Had them take out entire 4 ft rows of vegetable seedlings overnight. I don't really like to but I use the iron phosphate bait as well around the perimeters of my raised beds. They eat it and then they stop eating and die.