Answer please

whatsup RIU, i have another question to (INDICA) cannabis plant is now about 4 weeks into budding. I really want to harvest the cola (top bud) for some smoke for the holidays. The cola is real dence, lots of brown hairs and very crystally (sugar leaves also has tones of crystals. For a first grow its looking alright, looks like some BC bud i had a while back,

Other buds down around the stem are also starting to get brown hairs and lots of crystals, im figuring they will be done in 2-3 weeks (not 100% sure).

So how much weed will i be loosing in the end ? can this harm the plant buy cutting off the cola ?, i herd if u cut off the cola. 2 more colas will form on top is this true ?

thanks for the help, ill try to post pictures soon. peace


Well-Known Member
That is called topping. To late for that. But if it looks ready, chop it up! Leave the rest and keep her growing. Harvest the lowers when those are good and ready. Good luck, smoke well..


bud bootlegger
cutting the top bud off will not hurt the plant at all.. i just don't see how after four weeks or flowering that it is anywhere near ready to smoke.. if i were you, i would just leave it be and let it reach maturity before attempting to smoke any of it... the last few weeks of growth is where alot of the plants thc production reaches its maturity, and cutting it early will only mean that the thc is nowhere near as mature as it could be, and the smoke will therefore not be nearly as potent as it should be if allowed to grow till it reaches peak maturity..
just my $.02 though..

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
Don't do it. It's far too late for any kind of trimming or pruning.

I know that it's hard, but you probably have at least another 4 and maybe another 6 weeks to go.

Bud harvested too early will be very disappointing.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Racer and Lil, too soon. Quick dried bud, especially inmature bud smokes like shit anyways.


Well-Known Member
Dont do it you will kick your self in the ass
looks dense now but when it dries you will think where did it go and its probally not flushed and for sure it not mature
have some patients and you will be happy you did in another 4-6 weeks
trust us