Another Yellowing Problem


Active Member
This has been an ongoing problem for awhile but I cant seem to get it straightened out. My plants are 1 1/2 months old and the little one's are 3 weeks old and their all doing the same thing. My nutrients NPK is 20-14-13 any ideas. Could too small of pots cause this?



Active Member
This has been an ongoing problem for awhile but I cant seem to get it straightened out. My plants are 1 1/2 months old and the little one's are 3 weeks old and their all doing the same thing. My nutrients NPK is 20-14-13 any ideas. Could too small of pots cause this?
How often are you fertilizing? What fertilizer? Should only be every other watering. If you already do this, stop fertilizing for a while and look for improvement. Make sure you use PH adjusted water to 6.5 If out of range the plants wont be able to absorb the nutes. How close are you lights- if using MH should be 3 feet.


Active Member
hello to everyone, i have exactly the same problem, i am during 3rd week of flower and the plant everyday is getting worse... first older leaves yellow then necrosis symptons in the edges and now is going all over the plants damn :(
i searched everything to find what the problem is, my opinion is to much nitrogen during the flowering period from fertilizers that are in i am using with every water so i flushed them i will let you know what happens in couple of days hope that works i dont recommend you anything because i am typically new to this, my second time.