another stupid ? but need help


K so here we go.Is there such thing a underfeeding your in soil ffof and roots oragnic soil but both plants look nute burn.gave them a feeding at the begging of flower like 800 ppm been flushing since because they look burnt. There now on week 6 and still leaves keep burning or so i think?:wall:


Well-Known Member
pictures wood help. w/e thats damage alrdy can not b reversed as long as its not affectin any other spots on the plants then ur ok. but like i sayed pictures wood help


Active Member
i suspect that you put 800ppm on soil that was already full of nutrients .....I have did the same thing with roots organic soil....

its a tough one to figure out when to feed them with the hot soils....

here is what happened to me maybe you can learn from my fuck up....

my plants were in promix and doing great with botanicare nutrients full strength.... on advice from a friend i got roots organic ...

I transplanted into roots organic coco mix watered with 6.2 ph water and then the next week feed full strength botanicare plus some worm tea.

next day my girls were burned to shit......

ok i took the water hose turned it on low and ran water through each plants for like 10 minutes...

then added clearexx to a five gallon bucket and flushed the hell out of them with that like 8 cups of this to each plant...

then added back my nutreints at 1/4 strenght ....... and watched the plants close until they gopt better. then build back up to 1/2 strnegth..

i much prefer promix where i can control what i do.... the super soil have nutrients added already so when you hit em with full strength
nutrients its a issue ....

i live in cali and promix is hard to find .... so i am still using roots i just dont feed them anything until i notice they need it then i feed them 1/2 strenght ..

its a pain in the ass .. i only use soil for my mothers i grow in hydroton ebb and flood.... i am saving for a bucket system for my mothers right now and to hell with soil.

for my outdoor the hot soil is fine i just water them and give em molasses bud swell all along in flower then gravity and purplemax at the last three weeks of budding.
no problems ...

good luck


Active Member
I'm not a soil I could be way off.....But classic nute burn shows in the tips first and I don't see burnt tips said you've been flushing since flowering began so that's a long time ....4 or 5 weeks........I'd try 1/4 strength feeding and see if it helps keep the rest of the plant from following suit and increase strength slowly.....It looks to me like the plant isn't getting food so it's taking it from the fan leaves.....but find a soil guy to get a second opinion.........


Active Member
If you flush to the point the root zone has less nute than the plant does...osmosis will suck nutes from the plant..... As I understand it, N is the first thing flushed away...hence yellow leaves....the blighty looking spots are from things attacking the weakened leaves... Like if you become sleep deprived, you're more prone to illness.....
Maybe you can find Uncle Ben and get his opinion....he's the soil guru......