Another problem. Drooping plants?


My plants have the droop, and not the good kinda droop you get after a night of mixing Cocaine, whiskey, and pot. The bad kinda droop, ya know?

Their leaves are drooping pretty bad, and their stems are getting lighter, and those two little leaves that sprout out first that don't look like pot leaves are turning yellow.

I keep them very well watered, as of now they each have 1 23w CFL about 2 inches above them, and they're in Miracle Grow soil. Nutrients are given via some water soluble fertilizer weekly.

Whats going on with them, and could this have anything to do with the fact that there seems to be alge growing on the soil of one of the plants?

I'm not running any exhaust fans, just a hole cut in the side-bottom of the container they're in and an open top creating its own little airflow system.

Its been one thing after another with these little fuckers. You'd think with a name like, "Weed" they'd be easy to grow!


Well-Known Member
My plants have the droop, and not the good kinda droop you get after a night of mixing Cocaine, whiskey, and pot. The bad kinda droop, ya know?

Their leaves are drooping pretty bad, and their stems are getting lighter, and those two little leaves that sprout out first that don't look like pot leaves are turning yellow.

I keep them very well watered, as of now they each have 1 23w CFL about 2 inches above them, and they're in Miracle Grow soil. Nutrients are given via some water soluble fertilizer weekly.

Whats going on with them, and could this have anything to do with the fact that there seems to be alge growing on the soil of one of the plants?

I'm not running any exhaust fans, just a hole cut in the side-bottom of the container they're in and an open top creating its own little airflow system.

Its been one thing after another with these little fuckers. You'd think with a name like, "Weed" they'd be easy to grow!
Sounds to me as if you're over watering them.
Those 2 little leaves are supposed to turn yellow and die.
Miracle grow is shit.
Shouldn't have nutes till they are about 2 weeks old. And then very low doses of nutes.
Just scrape off the algea.


Active Member
The little leaves are spose to fall off. do you have holes in the bottom of your pots. You may be overwatering first mistake with a noob. Let the medium dry out b4 you water next. they need fresh air you should get some kind of fan for exaust and you can have a passive intake would be fine. get the air moving in there for now. You dont have enough light the 23 wat cfls are good for seedling and that is it. ( pics would be nice).....good luck


Thanks for the input, guys. The air passively flows due to the hot air rising out and causing a vacuum, pulling in colder air from outside of the hole I cut in the bottom side. Its pretty warm in there, but I wouldn't call it terrible.

Both cups have holes in them, but I had been making sure the soil was never dry, always good and wet, I thought the plants liked it that way. Maybe not?

They're still pretty small, I think the older one is 3 weeks and the younger is about a week and a half. As they age I have 8 more CFLs to add in increments as needed.

This wouldn't be caused by me not having a C02 source on them, would it?

And sorry, no pics...because...well...yeah, you never know what mistake is gonna get you pinched. Although my IP being traced to this website over and over is probably a bigger problem. :dunce:


Active Member
Thanks for the input, guys. The air passively flows due to the hot air rising out and causing a vacuum, pulling in colder air from outside of the hole I cut in the bottom side. Its pretty warm in there, but I wouldn't call it terrible.

Both cups have holes in them, but I had been making sure the soil was never dry, always good and wet, I thought the plants liked it that way. Maybe not?

They're still pretty small, I think the older one is 3 weeks and the younger is about a week and a half. As they age I have 8 more CFLs to add in increments as needed.

This wouldn't be caused by me not having a C02 source on them, would it?

And sorry, no pics...because...well...yeah, you never know what mistake is gonna get you pinched. Although my IP being traced to this website over and over is probably a bigger problem. :dunce:
ok there in cups and they are 3 weeks old. Replant them !!!put all the lights on them. you can never have to much light as for them tracing your ip do you really think they want to catch some one with two plant!!! they want the people with 100+ plants...check out my first grow.


Active Member
Temps nutes and water are a big deal when dealing with small ladies. I would say control the temps the best you can to keep under 80...hold off on the nutes until they are at least 1 month old. Even then only start them off at 1/4 the recommended solution so that you can gradually get them used to the nutes and don't send them into shock. Make sure you are not over watering, it's best to let the top of the soil get dry before thinking about watering them again. Stick your finger down in the soil and see how far down it is dry too. It may look dry on the top but might be wet and moist just 1" down.

Good luck!


So I looked at one of my cups, the cup with the plant thats probably 4 inches tall (but very bushy) and noticed the roots are EVERYWHERE! I'm absolutely in awe that such a small plant has so many roots. These are standard plastic cups, like you used back in the highschool days at keg parties(but clear). And the roots are ABSOLUTELY choked off by the cups.

Would the explain the light green and drooping, then?

Also, just how big of a pot do I need if I'm going to let these things get about 1 foot to 18 inches tall and bush em out before vegging? The staggering rate of root growth on these things has me rethinking the measurements of the pots for my pot.