Another newbie Question

Ok soo my plant is looking fantasic but can anybody tell when exactly the Veg-state ends and when the flowing begins.

i know how many hours the flowering takes and i know how to determine a male from a female i just need to wen to exaclty start this phase begins


Well-Known Member
Well it really depends how much room you have for your plants to grow up
If your space is limited then your can put them into flower any time u like so they dont grow as tall
Hope this helps some


Well-Known Member
you can actually start it at almost anytime indoors when you can mimic the time to 12/12

i usually veg for 3 months then turn it off 18/6 and put it on 12/12

but i have seen people veg for only a month then flower for 2-3

good luck to you! happy growing!


Well-Known Member
Hey dude, when growing indoors, just think of it like this - u r mother nature. You control the temp, the feeding, the light - Everything!

..So when to turn ur plants is entirely upto you. Most people grow for 8weeks then turn their plants, but you can do it at any stage you feel comfortable with. Just make sure you're plants are healthy and lush prior to turning them so you wont have any problems later..
Also allow for approximately double the room for when u turn them.

Hope this helps, goodluck :joint: