Another male lowryder ???


Hi guys and galls,

Just wanted some confirmation before I KILL yet another lowryder.

Really find it hard to believe am so unlucky, had 10 natural seeds, first six all male and including this one in the picture, would be 7 males.

I know it is all bout luck and genetics, but really believe now the Mary Jane Godess doesnt want me getting females :(.

Well uploaded pics, guess its a male with those balls there, pls confirm

Ty for yr time all, Jah Bless



Active Member
Can't confirm if there's no pic... You probably stressed the plants too much and got males... maybe you thought they were males but really were hermies.


Can't confirm if there's no pic... You probably stressed the plants too much and got males... maybe you thought they were males but really were hermies.
Ye just uploaded..u were 1 minute too fast for me :P

thnx for the fast reply though... dunno how I could be stressing them... they under a 18/6 light the soil, no nutes... know light cycle dont matter for them, but got them in an area with a none lowryder strain...

What else can be stressing it ?


Active Member
I say fuck it! Grow it out. Are you so sure those are balls? Is there only 1 per node or are there more than one in a bunch? I mean bunch as in packed together like grapes. If you only see 1 on each side, you wont know if it will turn out to be a set of balls or if it's only a lateral branch. What do you have to lose since it's the second complete set to go "male" on you... if you don't have experience with lowrider then by all means, experiment and wait it out. You might get a surprise... I would like high def pics if you can get them with macro or super macro focus. It would help out even more to determine.


Tried marking with red circles where I see with my naked eye ball like flowers forming... the next node is getting from what i can see 4-5 balls bunching up...

You really messed my head with that hermie comment last time :P... am waiting it out now to see what happens... unless u can tell by the way the balls are forming on each node that is full on male

TY.. sorry these were the highest resolution macro i could get with my cam

Tk care, Jah Bless



Well-Known Member
I would grow it out just a bit more. It does look like nuts but it kinda doesnt too. It almost looks like balls that turns into new leaf growth.
Just wondering how many weeks into flowering were you when you found out it was male cause im on day 9 of flowering and it is kinda showing some signs of presex i dont have recent pics but il add sometime tommorow


Would say the lowryder is at day 22-23 from popping out the soil... I start seeing these ball like flowers pretty early, within 2 weeks sometimes from sprouting seedlings...
my other lowryder, which is about the same age is also showing late signs of sex, been getting less light then the other one though... the more light u keep on them, 24 hours if u will...
the faster they grow so it seems, but guess thats a no brainer with this strain and it will show sex pretty early 14-21 days
Do you have a veg and flower times like do you start of at 18 hours of light to 6 hours of dark or do you just do 12 hours on 12 off? Im wondering this because my plant is over a month old and once it got to be a foot tall i just switched from veg to flowering so i should be knowing its sex soon. One more question how big did you plants get in 21 days (size in inches)


Well lowryders dont need change in light cycles to start flowering... they start flowering as soon as they pop out of soil, even with 24 hour light... they become no bigger then 12-15 inches

I got a AMS (Anti Mold System) strain, feminized, had her vegetating a lil over a month on 18 hour light, 6 hour darkness... switched her on the 7th of september into a 12/12 cycle...

2 days ago I started seeing the pistils forming.... cant really say how big it got the first 3 weeks... fimmed it at 2 weeks and 4 weeks... to keep it small and bushy at week 2 it was alrdy reaching 20 inches

(not counting the pot)

.. of topic

Can anyone confirm a male plant from that opened flower in the picture ?


New day, new pictures

also added pictures of my other Lowryder which also has balls forming I think... I cant believe out of 10 seeds... planting in pairs... all turned out male...

I know u have feminized seeds, can u have the opposite ? :wall:

So here are the pictures... trying to sex them asap, cause I usually kill the male plants and use the pots for 2 new sprouts I planted Autoberries I got waiting..

First 2 pics is the plant I been trying to sex in this post, the last 2 pictures is the other LR, which is maybe 1 day younger, and smaller due to less light.. also getting balls :cuss:

I am 97.5% (nice number ey :P) sure they are males, just asking confirmation... if they are, and if I am unlucky or not :?::sad:



Well-Known Member
damn, thats pretty painful. fuck that seed company you got em from unless they agree to give you your money back or at absolute least new seeds. thats bs man. i'd be so pissed.(btw, yeah they too are male)