Another Georgia Shooting

Guy was chased down and murdered. Fucked up. Cops weren't even going to charge until the dudes family got a lawyer.
They still haven't charged them and are going in front of a grand jury. But that won't happen til June 1st.
They zimmerman’d him
I think it was worse. Zimmerman wasn't premeditated. Just a shitty dude doing a shitty thing. My dui lawyer in FL was part of Zimmermans legal team. I beat the dui without even going to court. I get why Zimmerman got off.

The Georgia one is 3 dudes out holding firearms, hunting that dude. On video... because someone in their crew recorded it. They're gonna die for sure I think.
Guy was chased down and murdered. Fucked up. Cops weren't even going to charge until the dudes family got a lawyer.
They still haven't charged them and are going in front of a grand jury. But that won't happen til June 1st.
A good ole boy former poleese man taykin' hiz boy to work, it ain't nuthin'...y'all. Blue lahves mattir, don'tcha no, ah heer ya', ya' got dat rite.
Was a father son team apparently.

I'm sure Trump will be up at the podium shortly to announce that there were very fine people on both sides of the gun.