Leaked Video Of A Deadly Shooting In Coastal Georgia Sparks National Outrage
A leaked viral video showing the final moments of a Brunswick man’s life has many people in Georgia and the rest of the country outraged and in sorrow.
I think it was worse. Zimmerman wasn't premeditated. Just a shitty dude doing a shitty thing. My dui lawyer in FL was part of Zimmermans legal team. I beat the dui without even going to court. I get why Zimmerman got off.They zimmerman’d him
A good ole boy former poleese man taykin' hiz boy to work, it ain't nuthin'...y'all. Blue lahves mattir, don'tcha no, ah heer ya', ya' got dat rite.Guy was chased down and murdered. Fucked up. Cops weren't even going to charge until the dudes family got a lawyer.
They still haven't charged them and are going in front of a grand jury. But that won't happen til June 1st.
“If true”If true he needs to send the national guard there
But Chicago!Yes to be fair we need to send them to Detroit and Chicago too
What does this have to do with covid1984 and washing?White folks been cleansing since we walked upright.
What does this have to do with your tiny penisWhat does this have to do with covid1984 and washing?
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