Annual unpolinated seed phenomenon

Every year me and a mate grow some personal crop outside and every year our plants have seeds last few years we gambled and grew the bag seeds to our suprise from 15 or more plants grown from these seeds and no hermys and no males so far from what I can tell how could this be
Were these plants you grew for several years feminized by any chance? My personal experience has been that fems are much more likely put out male flowers than regs. I've never had a reg plant do this (knocks on wood) but have had it happen with a few fems. And if you did not notice the seeds until you were ready to chop it's very likely that the boy parts dried up and fell off the plant long before then.
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Were these plants you grew for several years feminized by any chance? My personal experience has been that fems are much more likely put out male flowers than regs. I've never had a reg plant do this (knocks on wood) but have had it happen with a few fems. And if you did not notice the seeds until you were ready to chop it's very likely that the boy parts dried up and fell off the plant long before then.
IV never noticed a Nanna and by now I thought I'd be dealing with regs but still haven't had a single male every year we get a few dozen to a few hundred seeds grown and trialed about 15 of them successfully no males
Were these plants you grew for several years feminized by any chance? My personal experience has been that fems are much more likely put out male flowers than regs. I've never had a reg plant do this (knocks on wood) but have had it happen with a few fems. And if you did not notice the seeds until you were ready to chop it's very likely that the boy parts dried up and fell off the plant long before then.
I dunno man, I've grown probably 20 or 25 varieties of feminized seeds and there was only 1 strain that regularly threw nanners. Maybe I just got lucky?