An Indoor but Out door idea


Active Member
This is an idea i had the other day, i have this cabinet out side its about 10ft wide and 8ft tall, i want to grow a stealth crop but i cant do it in my house, so i want to do it in the cabeint outdoors if possible. plus i live in canada (alberta) and it gets pretty cold in the winter ( -10c t0 -40C average) , but this is the idea i had.

What kind of strain could be used here if this could work?

any suggestions or comments appreciated.
also wanted to know if it'd be better to put ballast in the
growing room rather then the other part (to maximize heat in room)
btw the attachment is drawn in paint program

ps, sry i had to put it in a zip folder



Well-Known Member
looks cool but if your gonna do all that work and it is 10ft wide might as well as get 2-3 400w (2hps 1mh) not one 250....... it will work alot better and they put out a good amount of heat so you should need to worry about the grow heats my whole house during the winter. how is that for saving some money:)


Well-Known Member
yeah your gonna have a hell of a time trying to maintain average temps, the temps will be flying all over the place, you woulnt even be able to open the door if its colder than -2, and have you thought about humidity?


Active Member
got a great heating idea....
seal off a small section, add another socket and bulb.... have your ballast switch to that one during the dark phase....


Well-Known Member
You'd have to be an electronics guru and pretty decent backyard carpenter to set up all that it would take to pull this off.

Might be easier to dig yourself an underground grow bunker with a shovel while the ground is frozen.


Well-Known Member
Have you thought about buying a bag of weed, and smoking it thinking about all the money you just saved.

You would be spending a lot of money for very little results. If you could manage to grow good marijuana in a small cheap outdoor enclosure in -40 temps you would probably be on the cover of High Times. Unless you got a lot of money to burn its probably a waste of time.

It cost enough money setting up a small INDOOR grow room, in a place with normal temps, and even indoor maintaining the environment is one of the biggest most expensive issues, more important even than lighting.

If you can afford this outdoor grow you should seriously use the money for a down payment on a small house or even condo.


Active Member
iv revised my plan a little, and btw this isnt a very expensive project, the cabinet is alrdy built, alls i need to do is drill some holes, i alrdy have light, nuts, plastic, insulation, and that shit, i think iv picked a fairly resilient strain, (leaning towards the purples because they can handle temperature fluctuation.)
Also theres a shelf in there alrdy so i intend to keep it there. have the top half for my fans / heater, other lower half for growing. i figure i use this system where i can keep the grow room closed to keep in heat and still bealbe to water on cold days. via funnels + chunk of garden hose tied onto a screen (for SrcOG) and then tied to plant stems. Of course still checking plants frequently / thermometer frequently when temps arnt totally terrible.

see if this is better or not

once again tips, suggestions and anything else appreciated.
also if u think this is totally a waste of time and u think itd be better for me to risk it indoors lol?

-but being open minded is good too.



Well-Known Member
Risk indoors? Man your setting up a grow cab outside, where anyone can stumble upon it, or see it when you open it to work on it. Its gonna be the Only thing outside with a 2 ft circle of grass around it after it snows.

How are you gonna be managing humidity?

Also are you running a heater? The lights are gonna produce heat, but hot lights with ice cold air coming in will be bad, gonna need to heat up the intake.

I would get rid of the exhaust box on the top left and just have the exhaust fan go directly out of the grow chamber at the back of the top, and run the intake hose down to the bottom


Active Member
Its gonna be the Only thing outside with a 2 ft circle of grass around it after it snows.

that is true, hmm, now that i look around there is a dresser down here thats about 18 inches deep, 29 inches wide and 45inches tall.

might beable to make some fake drawers, by keeping the front of the drawer and smashing the rest of it. hmmmmmmm. i wonder.

would it be a better place to grow?

and if i had to choose a strain, id prolly want Durban Poison, and just grow 2 plants with a ScrOG. unless theres a better alternative