Amnesia Haze ??

Mrs Green fingers

Active Member
Hi I'm a newby to this site and to growing I'm on my third soil indoor grow, My hubby brought me some Amnesia haze back from the Dam so I thought I'd give them a go all 3 took and are now 7 weeks into flower and looking good but my question is the one in the picture (taken 6 weeks into flower) is twice the size of the others is there a chance that a different seed might have been put in with the amnesia haze or could this mean I've just been lucky this pic is one of two colas as I topped my plant they are now 12 inch round and 14 inches long should amnesia haze look like this ???


bud bootlegger
plants are pretty much the same as people.. say you have a few siblings, i'd bet that one maybe pretty much taller then another one.. same as plants.. it just depends on which genes are being expressed in each seed.. amnesia haze is pretty sativa in genetic makeup, although there are some indica genes in there as well.. the shorter ones are probably expressing more of the indica genes and the taller ones are probably more sativa in makeup.. :D

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
think of it this way, you'll have different phenos to compare and report back on. i've had some interest in amnesia haze myself, but thought it was 1/2 northern lights #5. soma says theirs is Hawaiian afghani, laos (sativa probably) & jamaican (possibly a hybrid)

the tallest one should be the one with the best high as that will be the sativa dominant one.

not all amnesia hazes are "legit" though. i tried rokerij's version, and it's listed as haze skunk x NL5 haze, but i could swear i saw a different lineage that claimed cambodian and something else and in looking it up on seedfinder, i see a few other lineages including two AH crosses with other strains and some stat that says soma's version is 80% indica! how can you call an indica a haze? in doing more research, i see dinafem's "original amnesia" is an NL5 haze. that must be where i got that lineage from.

i THOUGHT mr nice was the originator of real amnesia haze. i must have been thinking of mango haze.

here's to hoping whatever version you got, you get something nice out of it.


Well-Known Member
think of it this way, you'll have different phenos to compare and report back on. i've had some interest in amnesia haze myself, but thought it was 1/2 northern lights #5. soma says theirs is Hawaiian afghani, laos (sativa probably) & jamaican (possibly a hybrid)

the tallest one should be the one with the best high as that will be the sativa dominant one.

not all amnesia hazes are "legit" though. i tried rokerij's version, and it's listed as haze skunk x NL5 haze, but i could swear i saw a different lineage that claimed cambodian and something else and in looking it up on seedfinder, i see a few other lineages including two AH crosses with other strains and some stat that says soma's version is 80% indica! how can you call an indica a haze? in doing more research, i see dinafem's "original amnesia" is an NL5 haze. that must be where i got that lineage from.

i THOUGHT mr nice was the originator of real amnesia haze. i must have been thinking of mango haze.

here's to hoping whatever version you got, you get something nice out of it.
Height has nothing to do with the quality of high idiot.


Well-Known Member
Height has nothing to do with the quality of high idiot.
Just for a kind of benefit of the doubt kind of thing, maybe he's saying the taller ones will be more sativa dominant and therefore have a 'better' (according to him) high?

Either way, you'd be better gauging sativa dominance by bud structure (open, often foxtaily) and leaf shape (long and thin) than plant height. Certainly if you are doing selection for breeding purposes, one usually shies away from overly tall/stretchy plants. Unless you're growing industrial hemp, in which case you want all the stem you can get.

oh, and flowering time, with a haze the longer the flowering time the more haze influence it will have.


Well-Known Member
think of it this way, you'll have different phenos to compare and report back on. i've had some interest in amnesia haze myself, but thought it was 1/2 northern lights #5. soma says theirs is Hawaiian afghani, laos (sativa probably) & jamaican (possibly a hybrid)

the tallest one should be the one with the best high as that will be the sativa dominant one.

not all amnesia hazes are "legit" though. i tried rokerij's version, and it's listed as haze skunk x NL5 haze, but i could swear i saw a different lineage that claimed cambodian and something else and in looking it up on seedfinder, i see a few other lineages including two AH crosses with other strains and some stat that says soma's version is 80% indica! how can you call an indica a haze? in doing more research, i see dinafem's "original amnesia" is an NL5 haze. that must be where i got that lineage from.

i THOUGHT mr nice was the originator of real amnesia haze. i must have been thinking of mango haze.

here's to hoping whatever version you got, you get something nice out of it.

If you knew much about cannabis history you would work out most of them genetics are Mrs strains. YES. Shanti-Nev setup Soma, give him Hawian hybrids and more. Nev says its a good SSH cut.
The core cut as it is known as was found amongst a packet of SSH.

So work it out dumbnutts.

OP. WHos Amnesia was it? Rokerij's?

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
height most certainly DOES factor into high as it's hard to separate the THC aspects of a buzz from the height that DOES come with the best buzzes. why the eff do you think anyone even BOTHERS growing IBL sativas? such growers know that every shortcut you take for cash crapping is a shortcut in quality.

if you talk that talk, walk that walk troll and name ANY truly compact strain that has the SAME motivational (as in ZERO FUCKING STONE) buzz and trippiness level of a real sativa. it ain't happening. there's no such thing as a 3 foot tall sativa. can i get an effing witness?! if you introduce afghani dominance into a strain. the sativa buzz will be diluted. today's hybrids ARE much better, but they're no match for a true stretchy sativa in buzz.

it's no coincidence that extra stretchy sweet haze by DNA walks all over more compact strains like rokerij "amnesia", CH9 jack, auto jack, sativa trans-love, LSD, C99, mataro blue, & even HQS (super) thai x skunk in the trippy motivational department... they all have less SATIVA DOMINANCE! none of them are as trippy. NONE OF THEM! TGA Subcool's jack's cleaner two has a comparable trippiness level for it's more compact stature, but at the cost of adding considerably more stone.

you make such a bogus claim about indica not diluting sative effects, then put up or shut up toy! name a compact, fast flowering, TRIPPY strain that DOESN'T couchlock one bit!!!! a strain that smokes every bit as good as REAL haze, cambodian, columbian or malawi, but that is cash crappable! you're so full of crap that you can't, so STFU with your lies! if there were a fantasy strain like you lie about, people would fuckin' be growing it! jack herer is about as close as you can get, that i know and i don't know everything, to a legit sativa high, and it ain't exactly a compact fast finisher.

maybe with a lot more generations of selective breeding, someone will do an even better job of getting a PRACTICAL sativa buzz, but hybrids just ain't the same!!! i'm haven't tackled an IBL sativa yet, but anyone that HAS will attest to the fact you're full of crap and steeped in the schwag appeal mythology zone trying to select for qualities that create INFERIOR schwag with diluted to non-existent highs.

you want to argue with fucking FACTS? here, argue with DJ shorts, toy, who suggests AGAINST selecting for the fastest flowering (and by their very nature, more compact) traits in a plant, and working WITH the "good things come to those who wait" NATURAL order of getting the best by shunning afghani dominance traits...
[quote] The road to blandness
As Indica, sinsemilla and HID lighting became predominant, it became apparent that Sativa varieties were very difficult to coax commercial amounts of sinsemilla herb from indoors. The fast maturing, dense bud structure of the easy-to-grow Indica soon dominated the indoor grow scene.
Although some Sativa/Indica crosses matched some of the Sativa flavor and head high with the Indica bud structure, this desirability would only last for a few generations of breeding. Unless a person is breeding for a very specific trait, crosses seven generations and beyond the original P1 Indica/Sativa cross lose much of their original charm and desirability.

OK, it was Subcool that i was looking for...
[FONT=&amp]Breeding has many complexities that I won’t begin to try and explain here today. But I think our main goal was very simple, to combine an extremely potent “Sativa hybrid” with a “heavy yielding, ultra purple strain”. The results would be a purple strain with the potency added from that parent. What gets tricky is many strains like G-13 are extremely dominant and can take over a cross. When you cross BlueBerry and G-13, usually you just make a nasty tasting, watered down version of both. This doesn’t mean that there are not good Blueberry G-13 crosses; its just breeding is not as easy as 2+2=4. [/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Selection of a male Black Russian was not as easy. The first mistake people make in selecting a male is by choosing the most vigorous. Remember those complexities I mentioned earlier? Well, the recessive drug traits we seek are stashed away in non-vigorous males.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]The earliest males to show sex get tossed, no ifs ands or buts. Dominant males are useless for drug (misuse of this rule has caused more hermaphrodite strains than the world deserves) Cannabis.[/FONT][/quote]


hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
fucking hypertext is having a meltdown... i got those quotes here
and here

the KEY comment, from a LEGIT breeder is "watered down version of both". when you TRY to get a sativa out of crossing a compact indica with it, you CAN'T get the TRUE sativa qualities out of it, just a WATERED DOWN hybrid! can someone PUHLEEEESE weigh in on the fact that so many alleged hazes are watered down crap? i know i've seen at least one or two IBL growers commenting on how so many hazes aren't legit like the landraces you're growing.

so now's your chance to put your foot in your fucking mouth, now that you've opened it in front of god and everyone, and name this magical fucking trippy motivational 3 foot sativa that has a buzz as good as whoever's ace panama, another aussie grower's outdoor malawi gold tree or anything else of UNDILUTED QUALITY growers who know a thing or two about getting high grow when only the best will do and watered down hybrids are not an option.

it's TRUE that some hybrids are very good, but they always sacrifice SOMETHING in the mix for compact structure and fast flowering. they'll add stone or subtract trippiness. there's a fucking REASON that absolutely NO FUCKING HYBRID IN THE WORLD is as racy and mitivational as 87.5% sativa 17 week plus kali mist! C99 is in the ballpark, but it's not the same exact thing.

so go on... name this IMPROBABLE compact strain that's every bit as good as stretchy & 12 week plus strains hybrid. i want to grow it myself as i've only been looking for it since the 80s. three of the best motivational and trippy highs i've had have come from stretchy plants... sweet haze, malawi gold & haze x skunk. that's no fucking coincidence and the most compact trippy strain i've tried so far, jack's cleaner 2 is NOT the same as a sativa as it has a stone. it's great, but motivational isn't the best word to describe it.

you add indica, you dilute sativa. that's why even 75% (according to all sources EXCEPT sensi seeds) sativa skunk #1 is so stony... even at 25%, the afghanicrap stomps all over the the trippy effects of columbian and acopulco gold that SHOULD be in the strain, but are non-existent. to try and back the cash crapper agenda, one troll threw out the sensi seeds' skunk #1 stat that disagrees with several other dutch breeders that say it's 25% afghani.

i know what the fuck i'm talking about, and once again, you've either lied, or revealed just how stupid you really are defending schwag appeal mythology at the expense of fucking facts.

here's a FACT, restated, the tallest amnesia haze pheno will be the SATIVA DOMINANT.


Well-Known Member
A) who the hell are you even talking to, and why do you always hijack threads with little novellas of bullshit?
B) chomosomes, motherfucker, do you know what they are? Just because a plant has inherited height and growth pattern chromosomes from the sativa does not mean that it will have inherited the chemotype as well. This is why selection is important in breeding, and if you weren't just some joker flowering seedlings in party cups, and had properly grown some healthy plants in your miserable life, then you would know this.
C) you, my friend, are clown shoes.


Well-Known Member
height most certainly DOES factor into high as it's hard to separate the THC aspects of a buzz from the height that DOES come with the best buzzes. why the eff do you think anyone even BOTHERS growing IBL sativas? such growers know that every shortcut you take for cash crapping is a shortcut in quality.

if you talk that talk, walk that walk troll and name ANY truly compact strain that has the SAME motivational (as in ZERO FUCKING STONE) buzz and trippiness level of a real sativa. it ain't happening. there's no such thing as a 3 foot tall sativa. can i get an effing witness?! if you introduce afghani dominance into a strain. the sativa buzz will be diluted. today's hybrids ARE much better, but they're no match for a true stretchy sativa in buzz.

it's no coincidence that extra stretchy sweet haze by DNA walks all over more compact strains like rokerij "amnesia", CH9 jack, auto jack, sativa trans-love, LSD, C99, mataro blue, & even HQS (super) thai x skunk in the trippy motivational department... they all have less SATIVA DOMINANCE! none of them are as trippy. NONE OF THEM! TGA Subcool's jack's cleaner two has a comparable trippiness level for it's more compact stature, but at the cost of adding considerably more stone.

you make such a bogus claim about indica not diluting sative effects, then put up or shut up toy! name a compact, fast flowering, TRIPPY strain that DOESN'T couchlock one bit!!!! a strain that smokes every bit as good as REAL haze, cambodian, columbian or malawi, but that is cash crappable! you're so full of crap that you can't, so STFU with your lies! if there were a fantasy strain like you lie about, people would fuckin' be growing it! jack herer is about as close as you can get, that i know and i don't know everything, to a legit sativa high, and it ain't exactly a compact fast finisher.

maybe with a lot more generations of selective breeding, someone will do an even better job of getting a PRACTICAL sativa buzz, but hybrids just ain't the same!!! i'm haven't tackled an IBL sativa yet, but anyone that HAS will attest to the fact you're full of crap and steeped in the schwag appeal mythology zone trying to select for qualities that create INFERIOR schwag with diluted to non-existent highs.

you want to argue with fucking FACTS? here, argue with DJ shorts, toy, who suggests AGAINST selecting for the fastest flowering (and by their very nature, more compact) traits in a plant, and working WITH the "good things come to those who wait" NATURAL order of getting the best by shunning afghani dominance traits...
[quote] The road to blandness
As Indica, sinsemilla and HID lighting became predominant, it became apparent that Sativa varieties were very difficult to coax commercial amounts of sinsemilla herb from indoors. The fast maturing, dense bud structure of the easy-to-grow Indica soon dominated the indoor grow scene.
Although some Sativa/Indica crosses matched some of the Sativa flavor and head high with the Indica bud structure, this desirability would only last for a few generations of breeding. Unless a person is breeding for a very specific trait, crosses seven generations and beyond the original P1 Indica/Sativa cross lose much of their original charm and desirability.
OK, it was Subcool that i was looking for...
[FONT=&amp]Breeding has many complexities that I won’t begin to try and explain here today. But I think our main goal was very simple, to combine an extremely potent “Sativa hybrid” with a “heavy yielding, ultra purple strain”. The results would be a purple strain with the potency added from that parent. What gets tricky is many strains like G-13 are extremely dominant and can take over a cross. When you cross BlueBerry and G-13, usually you just make a nasty tasting, watered down version of both. This doesn’t mean that there are not good Blueberry G-13 crosses; its just breeding is not as easy as 2+2=4. [/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]Selection of a male Black Russian was not as easy. The first mistake people make in selecting a male is by choosing the most vigorous. Remember those complexities I mentioned earlier? Well, the recessive drug traits we seek are stashed away in non-vigorous males.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]The earliest males to show sex get tossed, no ifs ands or buts. Dominant males are useless for drug (misuse of this rule has caused more hermaphrodite strains than the world deserves) Cannabis.[/FONT][/quote]

And you are still clueless and as stupid as ever. Some things never change.


Active Member
I am also curious about the breeder your seeds came from. There are a lot of the best of my knowledge, the original Amnesia is a clone only strain developed by Hy-Pro (a dutch company that specializes in cannabis nutrients). They sell Amnesia seeds, which (afaik) come from the cross of the clone only female and a male that they found while working on the strain. Im not 100% on the last point, but I know from personal experience that some "Amnesias" hardly resemble the real Amnesia at all.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
A) who the hell are you even talking to,
the troll hater that said height has nothing to do with THC profiles when anyone knows strains that get you high also knows hybrids just don't compare to the real deal. i'm responding to the stupid fucks whose only purpose in life seems to be arguing against anything i say & screw the facts. the tallest plant in a grow will be the most sativa dominant. everyone knows that, except the troll that wanted to argue against it. they must have never read a single person's grow report where the tall plants are always acknowledged as the sativa pheno or dominants. instead of adding to the fray and attacking me, why not read back to the troll spreading mis-information because apparently, they just hate sativas. i don't see them naming a single strain that's compact and has all of the trippiness and motivation of a true sativa. if height WASN'T connected to THC profiles, no one would be growing landrace sativas and hazes. really... did EVERYONE fall asleep that day in class? there ARE some nice hybrids, but sativas refuse to be shrunk. the more indica you make them, the less sativa they are. there aren't any hybrids i've ever heard of that have the same quality as cambodian, thai, vietnamese, columbian & malawi gold etc. trippiness and motivation get watered down along with the height shortening. i've been LOOKING for "indoor thai" since the 80s, and it just ain't happening. anyone that gets high exclusively knows the difference. where's that panama grower when you need a reality check? in the past, they've also argued against the FACT that halides produce better QUALITY buds by allowing full terpene expression in opposition to the facts, also mentioned in one of the 2 links i shared.


Well-Known Member
the tallest one should be the one with the best high as that will be the sativa dominant one.
This statement is false, and genetically retarded, to boot.

Because individual genetic traits assort independently, we should expect NO correlation between a plants' height and its potency.

Are you aware that industrial hemp plants are all sativas, typically 20+ feet high, and contain virtually ZERO active cannabinoids?

Yes, a tall plant may have inherited its HEIGHT genes from its sativa ancestors; that doesn't mean it will have inherited the same CANNABINOID genes.

Furthermore, the "best" high is HIGHLY subjective.

Many medical users are NOT INTERESTED in psychoactive effect (ie getting "high") and lots of people don't like racy/trippy sativa highs. Plenty of people PREFER indica-type "stone" effect, or a blended effect, though I guess if that's really what you are after, you probably wouldn't be growing Amnesia Haze.


Well-Known Member
the troll hater that said height has nothing to do with THC profiles
Height DOES have NOTHING to do with THC profiles.

Why don't you go smoke a hemp rope or backpack and get back to me on high quality vs plant height.

when anyone knows strains that get you high also knows hybrids just don't compare to the real deal.
Who said anything about hybrids vs non-hybrids? Why are you changing topics?

Are you aware that hybrids can be TALLER than non-hybrids?

Are you also aware that cannabinoid expression is HIGHLY environmentally dependent? (IE the SAME plant can put out DIFFERENT profiles when grown under different conditions).

i'm responding to the stupid fucks whose only purpose in life seems to be arguing against anything i say & screw the facts.
Your "facts" are wrong, and resorting to name calling isn't helping your argument here.

the tallest plant in a grow will be the most sativa dominant.
Completely false. Maybe you should actually GROW a few plants before you make these sorts of silly remarks.

Genetics, obviously play a role, but absolute plant height is mostly about environment.

Further, height is ONE trait; there are MANY MANY others (leaf shape, pigment, terpene profile, cannabinoid profile, etc, etc) and again, they segregate independently.

Just because genetics illiterates say things like "tall plants are sativa dominant" doesn't make that statement useful (let alone actually true).


Well-Known Member
Hi I'm a newby to this site and to growing I'm on my third soil indoor grow, My hubby brought me some Amnesia haze back from the Dam so I thought I'd give them a go all 3 took and are now 7 weeks into flower and looking good but my question is the one in the picture (taken 6 weeks into flower) is twice the size of the others is there a chance that a different seed might have been put in with the amnesia haze
Yes; there is some chance that the "wrong" seed got in there, albeit a really small one.

Although you'd think that kind of thing "shouldn't" happen, from time to time it does.

More likely than not, though, one of your plants just happens to be genetically bigger than the others.

Despite what the board laughingstock thinks, more height does NOT mean that this particular plant will be more potent (or even any different in potency) from the others, but ultimately you'll have to try it to find out.

or could this mean I've just been lucky this pic is one of two colas as I topped my plant they are now 12 inch round and 14 inches long should amnesia haze look like this ???
Well, I've never grown that one, but certainly its possible to get colas like that with long flowering haze plants, especially under big lights.

If you're new to growing, just know that big dense hard colas are also, unfortunately, more prone to bud rot than smaller ones, so make sure to keep growroom humidity low.