Amateur Outdoor Grower

hey all, I'll start by saying you have a great site here, I've been doing alot of reading lately, and rollitup is definitely the best source. just wish i found it before i actually started growing :P.

I've got a little outdoor grow happening at the moment, quite a little grow lol. i was just seeing what you guys think of my little girl.

she's about 6 months now, has been fruiting the past 3-6 weeks and i think she's going pretty good considering her circumstances and where she currently is.

before anyone states this, yes i know she's over pruned, looks pretty bare, she wont grow any more branches now lol, took a bit too much off when she was younger, and sort of kept the habit. anything i can do to make more branches pop up?

anyways, what do people think? and what advice could people give me on getting a bigger yield out of her?
photos below

ive only used very basic all round fertilisers, but gonna hit her with VitaLink for the last coupla months before harvest, is this a good idea? will it make those beautiful looking buds grow faster/bigger?

p.s. this is my first grow, and i started without reading anything first. so please don't laugh. i got a better idea of what to do with my next grow :P lol


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