Amateur Grow


Active Member
can ne1 tell me wheather using 150w blue spectrum and 4 20w cfls lights will be ok for my plants during veg,heard that the more light the better but just makin sure that it doesnt all hav to be same spectrum light... the temp is around 25/26oC..
ne help be much appreciated....:bigjoint:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm a little confused.Are ALL of your lights cfl's?
can ne1 tell me wheather using 150w blue spectrum and 4 20w cfls lights will be ok for my plants during veg,heard that the more light the better but just makin sure that it doesnt all hav to be same spectrum light... the temp is around 25/26oC..
ne help be much appreciated....:bigjoint:


Active Member
I'm a little confused.Are ALL of your lights cfl's?
no bud jst the 4 20w cfls the other 150w light isnt a cfl, my mate gime it, it came already wired to a ballst and everything jst a thin glass tube light, no name or make on it... got it cuz the 4 20w cfl wernt really doing much to the plants. u reckon having different lights will make a difference?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Hm.Yes, blue is usually used for veg, but you can use both blue and red spectrum lights all through.Do you have a picture of the 150 watt?We should make sure it's not incandescent.
no bud jst the 4 20w cfls the other 150w light isnt a cfl, my mate gime it, it came already wired to a ballst and everything jst a thin glass tube light, no name or make on it... got it cuz the 4 20w cfl wernt really doing much to the plants. u reckon having different lights will make a difference?


Active Member
Hm.Yes, blue is usually used for veg, but you can use both blue and red spectrum lights all through.Do you have a picture of the 150 watt?We should make sure it's not incandescent.
unfortunately bud, relitively new to thisand dont got no pictures yet, but will try... my mate used the same at the veg stage and hes taken a crop etc afta obv the inital veg stage and then he got a 400hps for flowering, he said ta me the 150w blu wud be sweet, wat does incandesent mean?

em so u'd say that even tho thers cfl and a 150w light it shudnt make a difference to them? ya seem like ya know ur stuff.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
An incandescent light is just a light like a regular old style light bulb, flood light, i.e.Incandescent is not the correct light to grow with.
Most folks use blue spectrum for veg, and red for flower. If the light your talking about is a metal halide light, then yes, that should be good to veg a couple of plants.You should probably add cfls all around these plants because 150 watts is not very powerful.This is an example of the type of cfl you want to use for veg.It says 6500k on it. This is the color temp of the light. K stands for kelvin.What this means is, the light is toward the blue end of the spectrum,like early spring and summer, when plants are in their vegetative state.For flower, you will need lights which are at the red end of the spectrum.The color temp for these cfls is 2700k.They are also called warm whites.They emulate the redder light you see in late summer and early fall, which is when the plant would flower outdoors.Generally, you will need a lot of cfl's to ensure good light penetration.
unfortunately bud, relitively new to thisand dont got no pictures yet, but will try... my mate used the same at the veg stage and hes taken a crop etc afta obv the inital veg stage and then he got a 400hps for flowering, he said ta me the 150w blu wud be sweet, wat does incandesent mean?

em so u'd say that even tho thers cfl and a 150w light it shudnt make a difference to them? ya seem like ya know ur stuff.


Active Member
An incandescent light is just a light like a regular old style light bulb, flood light, i.e.Incandescent is not the correct light to grow with.
Most folks use blue spectrum for veg, and red for flower. If the light your talking about is a metal halide light, then yes, that should be good to veg a couple of plants.You should probably add cfls all around these plants because 150 watts is not very powerful.This is an example of the type of cfl you want to use for veg.It says 6500k on it. This is the color temp of the light. K stands for kelvin.What this means is, the light is toward the blue end of the spectrum,like early spring and summer, when plants are in their vegetative state.For flower, you will need lights which are at the red end of the spectrum.The color temp for these cfls is 2700k.They are also called warm whites.They emulate the redder light you see in late summer and early fall, which is when the plant would flower outdoors.Generally, you will need a lot of cfl's to ensure good light penetration.
cheers mate, now that u mention it my mate did say summit about a MH or metal halide, so thats wat he musta bin talking about...

but by obviously changing light spectrum from cfl to mh will tht not confuse the plants?

we aim to get a 200cfl red spectrum light, have u heard of them b4? mayb 2 x 200 red cfl... wud that work for flowering well? we've onli got a cuple plants, until i sorta get a bit more experienced, think the seeds i got wer White Shark, and mayb Big Bang, not sure, again i got them off my same mate that got light off...

thanx for the info, gud ta know theres an educated stoner out ther!!!:bigjoint:


Active Member
ahh i c, now that u mention it ithink my mate did mention somethingabout metal halide or MH, so thats wat he musta bin talking about, i think its a 150w Metal Halide... Even though im using Metal Halide and CFL will that not confuse the plants, i.e blu spectrum and then cfl with the white light... obviously being a weed they are meant to be able to survive pretty harsh conditions, but since am onli growing a couple being my first grow and that wudnt mind going all out on the bastards with minimal cost lol... Am waiting on a 200w Red spectrum CFL have u heard of that b4? and would it be any good do ya reckon?

Gud ta know that thers educated stoners out ther tht know ther shit!!:bigjoint:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Metal halide is great for veg, and yes, you can use it all the way through flower, too.No, the plants won't get confused, they like light!The 200 watt will work fine as well. If the cfl's you mentioned look bluish white, they probably are "blue".The warm ones have kind of a red color to them.But I'd get bigger than the 20 watters if I was you, or you'll need a hell of a lot of them.:bigjoint:
ahh i c, now that u mention it ithink my mate did mention somethingabout metal halide or MH, so thats wat he musta bin talking about, i think its a 150w Metal Halide... Even though im using Metal Halide and CFL will that not confuse the plants, i.e blu spectrum and then cfl with the white light... obviously being a weed they are meant to be able to survive pretty harsh conditions, but since am onli growing a couple being my first grow and that wudnt mind going all out on the bastards with minimal cost lol... Am waiting on a 200w Red spectrum CFL have u heard of that b4? and would it be any good do ya reckon?

Gud ta know that thers educated stoners out ther tht know ther shit!!:bigjoint:


Active Member
cheers mate... ill try and get sum pics up of my set up and the lights etc... cheers mate again, kkep and eye out for me and we'll se wat the wee cunts produce...

stay high:bigjoint: