Am I using enough light?


Well-Known Member
heres the info.

6 foot by 9 foot growing area. 3x 6 by 3 trays each with six 18-24' tall big bud plants in them. 3 by 2 formation. over each tray is a 400 watt hps with enhanced blue spectrum 55k lumen output, i have have reflective mylar on either end of the trays because its situated in the middle of the room and light from the middle tray floods over into both side trays. im running 3 week cycles so that i harvest one tray every 3 weeks and move more vegged plants from the other room into it resulting in half pound perpetual harvests every 3 weeks

so basically thats my set up. is it enough light? 165k lumens or 1200 watt high pressure sodium with enhanced blue spectrum over 6x9 foot flowering area

heres the bulbs im using fyi


Well-Known Member
No you don't. You have 22.22 w/sq ft. This is the bare minimum to flower cannabis. At this level, the yield will be low in relation to the size of the space. At a minimum, add three more 400's or cut the space in half with reflective panels. Though four 600's would be better, and produce much denser buds throughout the canopy not just at the top. If using the six 400's I'd scrog or lst. With the four 600's I'd fim and train.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the feedback, though its not what i would like to hear its honest and +rep for you, im kindve limited on the wattage i can use my flowering room due to being in an apartment and 15 amp circuits, ill look into replacing the 400s with 600s thanks for the feedback anymore from anyone is appreciated and + repped if useful thanks

edit: thinking about revamping my system instead of 3 trays with 6 plants maybe 4 trays with 4 plants each, 400 hps over each


Well-Known Member
ok ive done a bit more research and im coming down to the fact that i do need more light, unfortunately im working with electrical constraints but i have decided to make the most of what i can use. I will enclose the entire flowering area with reflective mylar (not sure how yet but ill find a way) and instead of using the 400 watts i planned on i have decided on using three 600 watt hps with enhanced blue/violet spectrum which covers what i wanted out of my 400s but on a better quality level.

heres the ones i plan on using

this will give me 285 thousand lumens as apposed to 165 i was going to work with. do you think that with this increase and putting up a full reflective enclosure of mylar ill do alright? im still sticking with my 3 tray idea


its only 7$ extra for a 240 volt cord instead of the 110 volt cord, its very important to me not to stress my electrical system which is why im splitting power from 2 rooms. i think i know what it meens but please clarify. MORE VOLTS=LESS STRESS? running on 15 amp circuits dont want to blow anything. thanks


Well-Known Member
you can't plug in a 240 device to a 120 source circuit. They are different plugs for a good reason. There must be a dedicated 240 circuit wired into the space in order to use any 240 devices. If you are in an apt. and have limited circuits, you must work within your limits. I would not put three 600's and assorted pumps, fans and stuff on a 15 amp breaker. How my h do you smoke? 1200 watts will provide quite well once you get your system down. Don't exceed the apts limits. Just because the room is that big, doesn't mean you have to cram it full of plants.

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
well man unfortunately this is the you have 240v run to a dryer in the apt?? How many circuits do you have? Is the panel in the apt?

Maybe we can squeeze some more watts in there....safely of course


Well-Known Member
i planned on keeping it safe by running an extension cord from the kitchen into the flowering room so i dont put all that stuff on one rooms circuit, would be splitting the stress. hopefully going to run the 600s instead just going to do some calculations/checkups to make sure i can do it safely. if i cant ill just go with my previous 400s but i think by bringing in power from the other room i will hopefully be able 2 pull it off