Am I ready to harvest?

Am I ready to Harvest

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Hey Everyone,
First time grower here. Ill give u a quick overveiw. Vegged with 400W MH. I am now 53 days into flowering. Running a dual spec. One 1000W HPS and one 400w MH. 4 plants. Strain name is JackBerry. I jave a buddy who is more experienced and he says 7 to 71/2 weeks in flower but hes in half soil half hydro. Im only in soil. To me i feel as if theyre ready the trichs are cloudy a few have syarted turning a amber color. However my concern with harvesting now is that the white hairs have only changed to red at 30 to 50% coverage on some flowers not rly at all. But as ive reaearched and asked around people are twlling me not to pay attention so my quesrion is for someone with quite a bit more experience who can perhaps tell just from these pics if im ready to harvest?


I wantes to add that i havnt given any nutes since last tuesday and im patient i have no problem waiting i just want the best quality and most i can get. Basically what everyonr wants full potential


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell from the pics but its hard to get a clear pic that up close. I would say not yet week at least.


Well-Known Member
Almost ready, the sugar leaves trichomes turn early so it can confuse you as to whether or not your bud is ready
Almost ready, the sugar leaves trichomes turn early so it can confuse you as to whether or not your bud is ready
Thank you, i did not know i was wondering why it made a difference as to which trichs i posted pics of. You all have been very helpful i had a thread similar to thia on the cannabis lounge for 24 hours and not one person replied to it. So thanks all for tips very helpful

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Thank you, i did not know i was wondering why it made a difference as to which trichs i posted pics of. You all have been very helpful i had a thread similar to thia on the cannabis lounge for 24 hours and not one person replied to it. So thanks all for tips very helpful
Start flushing like ODanksta said. And start to defoliate! And dont forget about 72hrs dark.